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adorkable ([info]adorkable) wrote in [info]valesco,
Cameron allowed his lips to curl up ever so slightly as she introduced herself, pleased not to hear any condolences. Or any questions requiring him to elaborate. "Cameron Montgomery," he offered taking her hand and giving it a polite shake.

"Normally, I'm much more polite, but all of this has seemed to have gotten the better of me." His fingers tapped along the edge of the papers. There was no way he could burden this woman he had just met with everything. The only reason he had told Nicola anything was because he was being bitter and feeding her gossip made him feel a little bit better. Or at least it had in the moment, now he almost wished he hadn't said anything.

Though what else could he say. Any attempt to explain why he was here was fodder for gossip. Or basically just being alive at all.

"I thought you were French." It was a dumb thing to say. Clearly, Therese was French, but it was the only think his mind had latched onto that he could comment on. "I mean, I just--" he felt like an idiot, as if he had lost any ability to talk about anything other than his strange situation. Not that his social skills were all that great before. "I meant, its a surprise to hear that you had gone to Hogwarts."

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