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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
Therese blinked slowly. A hidden away Scabior brother? His accent completely ruled out the fact that he had studied in Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, so where had he come from? The Colonies? How on earth had that occurred? Her natural curiosity piqued, but her manners kept her questions at bay. He looked frazzled enough, there was no need to add more to what was most likely an avalanche of a whole new world thrust upon him.

Her eyes dropped to the rolls of parchment and the mess he seemed to be in. Therese did not think she could imagine what sort of process taking over your dead brother's life consisted of, and she mused that she would probably be just as frazzled as he was.

She nodded and stuck out her hand, "My name is Therese, I went to school with your brother."

There would be no lies about being sorry for his loss; she was not cold-hearted, but if this brother of Chester's had been unknown to the world before the man's death, she was prone to believe that he was not too sad to see him go.

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