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Darren Quigg : Ministry Maintenance ([info]hustlequigg) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-04-07 02:26:00

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Entry tags:darren quigg, devon quigg

Characters: Darren Quigg and Devon Kirke
Setting: Devon's place, immediately following this
Summary: Response to ⇑ that ⇑
Status/Rating: Incomplete/probably R

The journal hit the glass top of the coffee table with a slap. Darren sat forward with his elbows on his knees and rested his chin to his fist. His expression darkened and the space between his brows disappeared into a ridge of their furrow. He chewed at his flurried thoughts but felt the stone of concern in stomach sinking lower and lower toward the floor.

Fucking damnit, Aland.

Darren's gut reaction was to apparate over to Aland's and give his best mate a decent shaking by the shoulders. Perhaps then a bit of sense would find its way back into the other man. It most likely would just piss off Aland even more, but Darren had to do something. The silly prat was shagging blokes! And that just wouldn't do. What if his dad were to find out? That would be one right nasty shitstorm you could bet your life on.

Aland was a grown-up (however seldom he acted it) though and Darren knew he couldn't be the solution to every problem the other man had--no matter how much Darren wanted to be just that. Granted there Aland's 'problem' wasn't really a problem that needed fixing. You couldn't 'fix' being queer. There was nothing wrong with being queer. At least that's how Darren saw it. He knew Aland's family, their mates, and fucking Aland himself wouldn't agree. Which was the real problem here and...

Oh, sod it. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He already had a headache and he didn't want to keep thinking until his head came off. Devon would never forgive him for the mess that would make.

With a dejected sigh, Darren pushed himself up from the couch and stuck his arms outward to stretch his back. He swiveled around to cast a glance toward Devon's room. He'd left her there when his journal had hopped itself straight off the nightstand with the urgency of Aland's entry. As Darren rounded the sitting room furniture to pad down the short corridor, he saw instead that redhead was in the kitchen looking through the upper cabinet in the very middle of the row--the one with her neurotically sorted selection of teas. He quietly approached Devon from behind and gave her waist a tug. Spinning her to him, Darren pressed them both back to the edge of the counter and slammed down a hand for support.

Already having dropped his forehead to hers, green eyes met brown. He swallowed once though the tension in his throat nearly choked him and caused him to wince. "Just distract me, please," Darren said with quiet firmness.

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2008-04-07 08:29 pm UTC (link)
She really couldn’t help that she had gotten a little bit bored, waiting for Darren to get back. Her head was resting on a few pillows, staring up at the ceiling as she heaved a heavy sigh, looking over to the clock that was on the nightstand. It had been about 10 minutes since Darren had gotten up to check his journal, so she figured it had to be something important…but that didn’t change the fact that she was bored.

So, she scooted to the edge of her bed, and moved over to her door, quietly moving into the kitchen. There had been a point where she had paused when she heard him groan, but knew it was better to just leave him along than to poke and prod and ask him what was wrong while he was writing. There was no way for her to be sure whether he was mad, or upset, or what, so she’d just act like she hadn’t heard anything at all unless he decided to bring it up.

She had filled up the teapot with water, and flicked her wand over at the stove to turn it on before she went to look for what kind of tea she wanted. For all she knew he could be in there for a while longer, so she’d make herself a cup while she was waiting, instead of just laying there…but he was back before she expected, and couldn’t help but take in a quick gasp as he tugged her back and turned her around, her hands going to his chest automatically.

Devon stared into his eyes, blinking slowly before she raised her arms to hold his face in her hands. “Darren-...” she paused for a moment, opening her mouth again before it shut. The words ‘what happened’ were about to slip out from between her lips, but she knew it would be pointless to ask at this point. He wouldn’t tell her. He didn’t want to talk about it. He wanted to do anything but talk about it, that was obvious.

When did he ever want to talk about anything?

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2008-04-08 10:38 am UTC (link)
He had no idea what Devon had started to say and he didn't wait for her to finish either. When she said his name, Darren nudged past her fingers to crush her lips with his own. He pressed closer to her and leaned the two of them further into the counter as he deepened the kiss.

Doing anything and everything but talking was what Darren had in mind. This 'Aland is queer' shit was between him and Aland. Devon didn't need to hear it and she probably wouldn't care anyway. Darren was not going to let this otherwise perfectly enjoyable evening be ruined by one guy not being able to keep his sex drive under control. Aland wasn't dying and his prick wasn't going to fall off. This was something that could be handle another time--another time when Darren wasn't preoccupied with his own sex drive. Not that Darren wanted to ever admit he was putting sex over his best mate.

Fucking damnit, Aland.

Darren abruptly broke the kiss and his nose grazed Devon's cheek as he panted warm breaths on her jaw. He eased off slightly but still held her to his waist. Eyes squeezing shut, he gave a futile shake of his head to cast the angst from his thoughts. His pulse was pounding at his eardrums from the adrenaline spurt he'd given himself by pouncing Devon. It made his headache worsen.

His eyes opened lazily. Darren renewed the pressure back into the edge of the counter as his lips went to hers for another kiss, a hungered groan in his throat. Seizing Devon's leg with his free hand, Darren gripped and kneaded his fingers into the muscle of her thigh and worked his way up to press his thumb firmly over the sensitive bone in her hip.

Fucking Aland was not going to distract him from Devon. It just wasn't going to happen.

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2008-04-08 09:31 pm UTC (link)
Devon inwardly sighed as he avoided any form of conversation, as she had expected…but she couldn’t be too upset about his lack of communication when he was kissing her like that. Sometimes she hated that he drained all thoughts from her head with such a deep and wonderful kiss, but at other times she really needed it. And right now, he really needed it. That was more than obvious, since everything he was doing was so intense and desperate. Her arms shifted so that they were wrapped up around his neck, feeling him push her back against the counter. It took a lot to ignore the pressure she was feeling against her lower spine, and she only expressed her slight discomfort with a soft grunt, which might have turned into something more if he hadn’t pulled away so suddenly, allowing her to shift.

One of her hands went to the back of his neck, her nails running up and down through the short hairs that were there as she felt him breathe against her skin. He was starting to worry her now, because he was acting so strangely. She had never seen him like this before. Sure, there were times when he had a bad day, but this was different. His mind was somewhere else.

She dealt with feeling the edge of the counter digging into her back again as he pushed her against it, shutting her eyes to try and block it out, even though it was distracting her far too much for her to fully enjoy everything else he was doing with his hands. So, finally, her hands moved down to his chest to gently push him back a bit, sighing lightly as she let herself move away from what had been pushing into her bone just a second ago. “What is going on with you…?” Damn it, she had to ask, at least once, even if it ‘ruined the mood’. If he didn’t want to tell her, she’d let it drop, but she wasn’t about to be pushed into a counter without at least trying to understand why.

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