"Dedalus, have you seen Elphias?"
Phoebe stood in the doorway of Dedalus Diggle's office, hands clasped together in front of her, a nervous look in her eyes. She was using every fiber in her being to maintain her composure, to keep her cool. She just needed to know if--she wasn't sure what she really needed right now, because the thought that Elphias had explained his...his...if he had told Dedalus and not her, Phoebe wasn't sure how well she would be able to handle it.
She simply didn't understand. She didn't....she knew that they'd had their fights, which were mostly her letting out her frustrations, but...but she'd always tried so hard to be with Elphias, to be there for Elphias, so what...what had changed? Was it supposed to be so hard? Phoebe couldn't honestly believe that she'd missed the signs, she knew she hadn't ignored...Her eyes shut for a moment, and she let out a shaky breath, trying to seem concerned, but not give away how ready she was to lose absolutely control of herself.
Her eyes shot open and she batted them prettily, smiling quickly at Dedalus to keep his concern at a minimum. She straightened her back and looking quickly around the office. "I'm sorry to bother you so late."
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