He thought he deserved a little from her, but obviously he had been mistaken. Stunned muteness engulfed him upon Nona's response, and Ollie struggled to swallow down what she had to say. This was the most he had ever gotten from her in what felt like ever, and it felt.... he was unsure how it made him feel. For, for once, she had opened up to him, but by doing so it had revealed the worst of truths that he hadn't realized were plaguing her so deeply. Hadn't realized or didn't desire to acknowledge?
Whether or not he had assumed her silence over the past four months had been her answer was irrelevant. Perhaps minutes ago it hadn't been, but now... his head docked down, and in defeat Ollie covered his face with his hands briefly. His thoughts ran, and he played back her words in his head.
"I am. I will," he muttered, pushing his palms into his eyes before letting his hands fall to his sides. Ollie's face had darkened in the few moments of curling away from her, but that did not deter from his absolute resolve to help her understand.
A fire lit in his eyes, and before she could slip through his fingers like so many times before (though now, he thought, it would be more accurate to say before she stomped over and by him), Ollie quickly gripped Nona's shaking form. He had never seen her like this before, had never thought... it unnerved him, but what else could he do but address what little he could?
"Nicola Scarpin means nothing! She means nothing to me, Nona. She is but a family friend with overzealous delusions. She is not--" he pursed his lips, immediately thinking that out of all Nona had said, this was not what he wanted to clear first.
"I thought your silence was your answer! I thought... you had decided, and I had lost. I didn't think... I didn't know..." He felt scared now, truly perturbed that this that had settled in her without his knowing would be their undoing. It did not matter if she loved him because he had broken his heart? Did she know how many time she had seemingly broken his in the past year?
His hands shot to her face, gripping the sides as tightly for as long as he could. She must look at his face, she must see that he was telling the truth, that it may look like... he didn't see himself a liar, but it was not difficult to understand her point of view.
"What do you want me to do, Nona? Tell me what to do! I can't guess anymore, I can't keep agonizing, and double thinking what it is that I should be doing while you leave me in the dark! I did not know, I can't know anything if you don't---" His eyes raced across her face, taking in all the emotion emitting from it. His shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry," he finally admitted.
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