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galvin g. gudgeon ([info]galvinized) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2014-01-24 23:53:00

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Entry tags:galvin gudgeon, michal conway lynch

He was a sensible bloke, truly and forever, but damn if each mention of the World Cup didn't remind him how he was the only Falcon not to make their country's squad. Of course he was proud of his teammates, but even the most humble of badgers could feel the sting of jealousy rise up in their chest. Vinny even had Gleny heading off to the event for the WWN, leaving him (and Tristan!) in England to watch from afar.

It was okay. It wasn't the end of the world, it would be good to have an extended holiday. Vinny took it as having more time to rest and have next season remind everyone why he should have been put on the squad instead of Summerby. Summerby! The influence of the Falcons' organization had rubbed off on him slightly, because he had immediately called the other seeker a fluke, but then---no. He'd come off the Cannons too, he knew how they wasted potential.

Vinny was fine, but to be fine meant an extra hour in the gym at the stadium. He shook his head to get the last bits of water out of his hair after his shower and packed up everything to head back home. He was about to leave when he remembered he'd left the latest Falcon newsletter in the players' lounge, and Tristan had been keen on collecting the player cards in each issue. Vinny made his way in and to his locker, and didn't notice his teammate until he'd turned back around.

"Bloody hell, Lynch!" Vinny said, forcing himself not to put a hand to his heart. He shook his head, and then frowned at Michal. He had distinctively stayed late tonight because the stadium should've been empty. "Wait, don't you have rehab tonight?"

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2014-02-01 12:44 am UTC (link)
If he weren't in such a silent state about World Cup, Vinny would have probably rolled his eyes, scoffed, and muttered something under his breath about Michal and let his teammate be. He had never in his life met such a grown man-child as Lynch, but there he was, lounging on the couch and skipping his very important rehabilitation sessions as if it didn't mean that he wouldn't go to New York. Vinny bit his tongue, turning away and trying to listen to the sensible voice in his head, the one that told him he should just go home and crawl under the covers with Gleny and just deal with his immature feelings, but, alas.

"You're such a little prick!" Vinny let out, putting a hand to his forehead, feeling as if months, maybe even years of frustration had burst out of him like a broken dam. He shot his hand out, waving at the listless form of his teammate. "Are you really skipping rehab? Don't you need to get cleared for New York?"

It was the World Cup, the World Cup! Vinny was practicing not only to let off steam, but to be ready when Summerby undoubtedly lost his nerve and he was picked to replace him. How did this even happen? Vinny had represented England during Euro Cup, what had---He frowned deeply, thinking of the night in prison that he'd spent with his fellow Falcons. What if that had put a damper on the team's decisions? He was the only player left out except for Bagman, and he wasn't playing because he gave up his spot after whining about not being captain!

"Bloody hell, man, please tell me you've been cleared."

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2014-02-02 11:43 pm UTC (link)
Both his brows shot up at Vinny's shout, and Michal turned to expectantly stare at his teammate. What, exactly, did Gudgeon care if he was skipping off on a couple useless exercises? He felt perfectly fine now, had gone up into the air loads of times since the accident (not in a match, but...). Once Poland saw how superb his flying continued to be, they wouldn't care about a few missed appointments, Michal was absolutely sure. He was not concerned.

The amount that others were... yikes. Michal felt a familiar irritating itch crawl alive within him, much like one that was brought on by Seth, or his sister, or Henry Wadcock's general existence. Was Vinny to be added to this group now as well? Apparently so.

Releasing the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, Michal inched himself back into a more comfortable position. As he had propped himself up to glare silently at Vinny, it did take him a couple of moments to return to laying down and facing the ceiling with his eyes closed.

"What crawled up into your arse and died there?" he responded so idly, even Michal knew Vinny would have a hard time believing a genuine tone over a sarcastic one. But, he couldn't quite help it. He decided he rather didn't like being called a little prick.

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2014-02-04 12:49 am UTC (link)
"Nothing cr---" Vinny's mouth shut into a tight line, realizing if he responded to that, he'd look like an even bigger tool than Lynch. He should just walk away. Shake his head, walk away, and fume about how stupid everything was on his way home. It's what he wanted to do, it's what he should allow himself to do, but as always, his very sensible, Head Boy voice turned on and asked himself: is it really worth your time? Your energy? When was the last time he was immature and stubborn, stomping off in a huff? Probably as a first year, caused by frustrations of his own doings.

Sometimes, Vinny hated that he could be so level-headed. Everyone else got to throw fits, have bad days, and somehow always managed to avoid getting into any trouble. But him? His own head wouldn't allow it. He was literally standing there, battling with himself whether or not to be the mature adult he prided himself on being or the bratty know-it-all that was fighting his way out? Michal was lying there, seemingly without a bloody care in the world, and Vinny was feeling as if he was taking on the force of all that pressure on his own damn shoulders.

But why wasn't Michal concerned? There's no way the Falcons would risk letting him go to New York if he wasn't cleared to fly, it could mess up their upcoming season if he re-injured himself! Vinny knew his teammate had a laid-back, I'm-too-cool-to-care attitude about everything in life, but quidditch should be of some importance, right? In fact, Michal had seemed pretty distracted all season, though that might be because he was pretty drunk a lot of the time. What had changed? What--late night grumblings between teammates came to mind and Vinny pushed a breath out of his nose, crossing his arms and uncrossing to not seem like too much a goody-two-shoes prefect.

"You've been a mess this year, all year," Vinny said, surprised by his sharp tone, but not regretting it. It felt like a medium ground between his internal struggles, and it also felt necessary; Michal needed a swift kick in the ass. Even if it did go against his nature, Vinny felt like to make it worth the effort, he had to go a step beyond where he normally would hold back. "And for what? Never thought you to be the kind of bloke to lose it over a bird, but, what do I know? Didn't think she was that good of a lay."

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2014-02-04 03:50 am UTC (link)
Michal's jaw dropped, and he immediately sat up stick straight. What had Gudgeon just said? But, actually, what was he insinuating? What was he referring to, how could he have possibly known about---

All of the sudden, Michal jumped up from his seat. It felt like a bursting pot had exploded with him, and a deep shake of rage mixed with betrayal filled him to the brim. Vinny had--- no idea what he was talking about, absolutely none, and to use that for leverage just because he had his knickers in a twist over some unattended sessions (that weren't even his own) was ridiculous. What the absolute fuck?

"Seth told you about Larkin!?" Michal demanded, closing the gap between them in a couple heavy steps. He let out a few disgruntled, and appalled, huffs. Where did he come off?! Throwing about---

"It wasn't just some pity shag because she was worried about my accident! I was the one there, I think I would know! Seth is just talking out of his fat arse, I know that she wouldn't have initiated if it had been---"

Michal stopped spewing suddenly, for the first time noticing Vinny's wide-eyed gaze. Larkin had been who'd been talking about, right? Who else could he be talking about? "Stop looking at me like that!" he huffed, and for proper relaying, roughly pushed Vinny's shoulder with one of his free-flying hands.

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2014-02-04 04:25 am UTC (link)
Vinny's hands went up to hover at the side of his head, looking ready to grab his own ears and rip them off. Michal's shove knocked him back into reality, though he continued to stare, absolutely bewildered.

"You slept---with--Larkin?!"

That was the absolute furthest thing he thought he was going to hear in retaliation! Michal had slept with Larkin? Larkin? A pity shag? Larkin had become quite friendly with the Falcons after the prison debacle in Istanbul, and it had been made no secret by all of Michal's Hogwarts friends that he harbored some long-lasting fancy for her, so---but where had Larkin been these past few months? Seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, again. Michal had been obviously mopey, but did this really explain---he supposed that it may have triggered---But!--Merlin.

First of all, Michal was apparently way more fucked up than Vinny had been imagining, and second, that wasn't even what he'd been implying! He dropped his head back, completely bewildered that this could have gone so poorly. See, see! This was what happened when he decided to listen to the animal instincts inside of him that told him to needle and pester! This was why Derek was the hitwizard and he was not! He was not meant to poke and prod and cause explosions!

"Seth didn't---I was talking about Bonaccord, you idiot!" Vinny let out, waving a hand out, "You know, the one you actually dated? Merlin, you need an intervention or something with all this nonsense going on. Larkin, really?"

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2014-02-06 03:15 am UTC (link)

Michal stopped, his brow furrowing for a moment as he thought back on Vinny's words. He had been talking about Therese? With the way it had been said, had been worded, Michal simply assumed Vinny had been referring to a one-time hook up, not his most recent disastrous relationship break down. What, was he trying to make him feel bad how he had, once again, been the reason behind a painful break-up? That he, what, was devastated at the fact that he could no longer call her his? Had spiraled at the reality of no longer being to hold her tight, hold her inappropriately, hold her at all?

But, what do I know? Didn't think she was that good of a lay.

A few moments ticked by, and then-- all at once, he understood.

"YOU SLEPT WITH THERESE?!" Michal roared, his anger culminating into an exploding fit. Faultless Vinny, perfect Galvin Gudgeon--- and Therese?! His teammate, his teammate and--- everything else, all other insults Vinny had flung burned away, for they really paled in comparison to what Vinny had meant, what he had first attempted to convey. What a fucking bastard!

Seething, Michal charged forward and sharply grabbed Vinny by his front. "YOU HAD SEX WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" he howled, his other hand rounding to grip the other wizard's collar. If he were a dragon, he would have been spitting fire. But, being a simple wizard, he instead huffed out extremely vicious breaths of air laced with spit. His face burned, his arms shook, and he shoved Vinny back before grappling to grab his front again.


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2014-02-06 04:45 am UTC (link)
This evening had absolutely gone in the wrong direction.

"Oy, OY!" Vinny started, at first putting his hands up in defense as Michal roared to life. If he had time to think, which he really didn't, he would note that this was the most alive he'd seen his teammate in months. Sure, he resembled a raging chimaera ready to devour him, but it was something more than the lackluster performance he'd been putting on. Well, that was something accomplished. What Vinny had not planned on was his words being taken the wrong way as often as Michal had. Aside from the fact that he had briefly dated Therese (so briefly that she abandoned him at a New Year's party without a single word), Vinny had honestly only made the comment in reference to the fact that he didn't think Michal had cared that much.

Obviously, he'd been wrong about that, and he'd been wrong about his choice of vulgar language. What a poor Hufflepuff he'd been tonight, he couldn't believe he'd allowed himself to get riled up enough about the World Cup to lose his constant state of utmost propriety.

Vinny, because of his guilt (a guilt that would last for weeks, he was sure), forced himself to keep his hands from prying Michal away, even as his teammate seemed to grow angrier by the second. He had to quickly choose his words, but he struggled. He was just going to dig himself into a bloody deeper hole than he was already in.

"That's not---I---it was way before you two met and---I wasn't even a Falcon!" he managed, mouth twisting in frustration. "I wasn't saying---I didn't think you cared that much, now get off!" he finally let out, not enjoying the feeling of being pushed against the lockers. Who would? Vinny pushed Michal away, huffing in annoyance. Perhaps this team needed lessons in anger management and oral communication.

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2014-02-12 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Michal paused, his eyes tightening into two slits. Gudgeon could 'oy!' all he wanted, but that wasn't going to change much about the next few moments. Did he really think he'd be able to say whatever he wanted and get away with it? That was his girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend, and while Michal would admit their relationship was in miserable shambles because of Therese's unplanned.... miscarriage that didn't change... that didn't give Vinny the right to--- he was out of line.

As his teammate began to squirm, Michal pushed the seeker back against the wall again for emphasis. Seekers were easy to break, seekers had to be lightweights by nature. But keepers? No, no, all muscle, long limbs, broad shoulders and Vinny had no quidditch season to protect him. It was off season, he would have plenty of time to recover from the bit of bruising he deserved...

Somehow, Vinny managed to squeeze out of his grip, and Michal rounded on the younger wizard. He looked disheveled, alarmed, and guilty. Good. Frankly, he didn't care what excuses (or retorts) Vinny was currently spewing out, he had heard enough. He confirmed that they had happened, that they had... it had been...

His forehead began to throb, and Michal applied pressure to his face with his hand. Great, now he had a bloody headache to go along with the utter and complete bloodlust pumping through his veins for Vinny Gudgeon. Pressing his palm to the side of his face, Michal closed his eyes.

"Get out," he growled, rubbing his head. He let out a frustrated sound, and quickly opened his eyes to flash a glare at Vinny.

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