He was a sensible bloke, truly and forever, but damn if each mention of the World Cup didn't remind him how he was the only Falcon not to make their country's squad. Of course he was proud of his teammates, but even the most humble of badgers could feel the sting of jealousy rise up in their chest. Vinny even had Gleny heading off to the event for the WWN, leaving him (and Tristan!) in England to watch from afar.
It was okay. It wasn't the end of the world, it would be good to have an extended holiday. Vinny took it as having more time to rest and have next season remind everyone why he should have been put on the squad instead of Summerby. Summerby! The influence of the Falcons' organization had rubbed off on him slightly, because he had immediately called the other seeker a fluke, but then---no. He'd come off the Cannons too, he knew how they wasted potential.
Vinny was fine, but to be fine meant an extra hour in the gym at the stadium. He shook his head to get the last bits of water out of his hair after his shower and packed up everything to head back home. He was about to leave when he remembered he'd left the latest Falcon newsletter in the players' lounge, and Tristan had been keen on collecting the player cards in each issue. Vinny made his way in and to his locker, and didn't notice his teammate until he'd turned back around.
"Bloody hell, Lynch!" Vinny said, forcing himself not to put a hand to his heart. He shook his head, and then frowned at Michal. He had distinctively stayed late tonight because the stadium should've been empty. "Wait, don't you have rehab tonight?"
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