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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
His cheeks turned pink with relief, and a feeble smile crept onto his lips. Sim? Yes, nothing had sounded sweeter than sim to his ears. Edward took in a deep breath, ready accept her acceptance, begin the New Year right when--

"Wait!" he realized, all of the sudden mortified. He had all but forgotten about the very important piece of jewelry nestled in his cloak pocket, the box that had been sitting in the bottom drawer of his desk for almost a year now. Edward had never forgotten it was there, waiting, but had simply thought it important to only reveal when the timing was right. And, now, the opportune time had come and went! After it had been waiting for so long...

He unfurled his hands from Graciela's, quickly pulling apart his cloak until he found what he was looking for. The box in his pocket. Opening it carefully, he showed it to Graciela with proud significance.

After a moment, he spoke quietly. "Derek said he liked it," Edward nodded, face still flushed but in the happiest of ways. Actually, Derek had said this ring looked the best jammed on his own pinky finger, and by the power vested in all Hufflepuffs, that meant that not only would it look good on Graciela too, but she would love it. Edward hadn't quite understood his friend's logic, from from what he could determine, that meant it was peer approved.

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