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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I wanted---" Edward began, but then found that was not how he had planned to begin his speech. He had planned on taking Graciela up here, imagining the air to be just right after the stroke of midnight, and after sharing a meaningfully look out below for a certain amount of time he would declare to her that this world, the one they were witnessing in the New Year, was the one he wanted to experience with her for the rest of his life. They had been dating for quite a while, now, as his friends tirelessly pointed out, and living with her and Zacharias proved to be something that only made their relationship stronger. He enjoyed their life, so very much, and wanted... it felt time to...

Edward had wanted this big romantic gesture for Graciela, for he believed she deserved nothing less than a story-like proposal, but now that he found himself here, at the cusp of it all, it felt like all this idle plans and whimsy ideas weren't good enough. Realistic enough? Edward knew that he spent his profession, most of his life, wandering through in an alternative reality and that had never really bothered him because reality had always been much more difficult to deal with. But now...

His smile faltered, but only slightly enough that Edward smiled down at the ground. He had taken Graciela's hands into his own, and now held onto them tightly.

"I had wanted," he began again, deciding that above all, the truth had always been something that resolved beautifully between them. "To come up here with you, and relate what you mean to me through this beautiful view. And that, to me, this new face of the new year is one that I don't want to spend without you." Edward looked up at his girlfriend how, an ironically apologetic look on his face.

"But now, I am realizing that a proposal like that is not... it is not right. Too much pomp, and show. There shouldn't be a big metaphor for how I feel about you because it is the purest, most unadulterated..." Edward looked away for a moment, glancing out at the view around them. He took in a deep breath. "Will you be able to forgive me?"

When she looked at him, understandably a bit confused for half of what he had just said had been murmured under his breath. Edward shook his head, slightly, and then sought to speak up now, for even through his next words' intended simplicity, Graciela would have to be able to hear them at the very least.

"I would like to get married. Will you marry me? I want to go into nineteen eighty-five knowing, or not... that we will be getting married."

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