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м k j ([info]jasper) wrote in [info]valesco,
She felt frozen, and Mira stared off distractedly into the distance with her hands still clamped over her mouth. What was she going to do? She had never, seriously, thought about the how and when of motherhood, just that for her to get there some kind of serious relationship with a wizard would have to be established first. She would never find herself pregnant without a husband or long-term boyfriend, Merlin no! Have you seen her? She was far too pretty for that to happen!


"What?" she echoed vaguely, still lost in thought. Had Bianca just mentioned... preemptive beatings? Here, in the loo? What was she going to do, march out there and drag Miles in kicking and---

Mira's tongue caught in her throat, and her relatively placid face broke. She had to tell Miles, she would have to tell everyone, and there would be questions that she would have to figure out how to answer, not to mention life things to figure out and--- What was she going to do this had never happened to her before-- well of course this had never happened to her before, it wasn't exactly like she had bundles of children running around or---

Jumping up from her seat, Mira felt a frenzied energy encompass her. She was pregnant, she was pregnant, there was an unborn being growing inside her--- holy shit! What was she going to do?!

"I don't know!" she finally let out in a panic. Wasn't this loo a bit small? It suddenly felt like the smallest bloody loo in all of England. "I don't--- I---"

A loud banging followed by a slur of shouts came from outside the door, and while usually not a jumpy witch, Mira found herself shaking at the prospect of having to deal with another soul at the moment. She gave Bianca a fleeting look across the room before promptly fleeing the room entirely.

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