He stiffened as her fingers grazed his skin, for various reasons. Being touched wasn't something he was used to, it was something he avoided. He couldn't control when his attacks occurred, but they were often sprung on him by being touched. Jake forced himself to keep his thoughts clear, but Charlotte fogged up his mind, she always had. He had not seen her in a very long time, and now that she was so close with that hair of hers, Jake was being flooded with memories from Hogwarts he hadn't realized he'd forgotten.
Jake swallowed roughly, moving his nose to wiggle the mask into place. He did not like the feeling of it against his face, but Charlotte wanted him to wear it and he could do that for her.
"It's a nice party. I was forced to come," he said, being honest. Not by Ollie, but by his brother, who was somewhere in the crowd as well. Jake blinked, looking down at his shoes before back at Charlotte. It was hard to talk to her. "I don't have a date."
Be nice, be nice to people, the voice of his healer rang in his head. Jake had a great desire to be nice to Charlotte because their breakup had been hard even though it had been for good reasons. At least, at the time he had believed they were good reasons.
"You look very nice. Did you plan this party?" he asked, recalling that she had mentioned the great effort put into the masks. Jake forced himself to ignore the tightness of the mask against his face.
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