WHO: Ethan Jordan and Samantha Cadwallader
WHAT: They're going troll treasure hunting
WHERE: Troll Mountains of Norway
STATUS: Finishing the adventure in comments!
Ethan frowned, the wind whipping the hood of the wool-lined cloak off his head. The mountains of Norway were not his favorite place to be, but as his loyalties ran deep he'd come. Samantha had needed his help, so he’d come. To Norway. To the mountains of Norway.
To the troll mountains of Norway.
"I don't like it much either, but we've got to go in," he said, waving his good arm toward the mouth of the cave. He was not particularly liking how restricted he felt in this cold weather garb, but he was warm and with different protective spells the blistering winds felt like a summer breeze.
Well, compared with what they could feel like, anyway.
With Samantha's research and expansive knowledge of the area, they’d determined that the jewels of the Trolltindene Troll Queen (say that five times fast) should be located in or near this particular spot. It was dark, it was spooky, and so of course it was the perfect place to hide your treasures away from pesky humans. The goblins of Gringotts had asked for an outstanding and impressive haul of treasure to keep Samantha’s project afloat, and this seemed like it would be the place to get it.
His eyebrows rose, “Unless...you’ve got a better idea.”
Samantha sighed. “No, of course I don’t have a better idea. But I really don’t like this idea.” Bad things happened when Samantha was thrown directly into the action of jewel stealing. “The last time that I did something like this was Egypt,” she told him, a sour look on her face.
Just because she knew where the jewels probably were, didn’t mean that Samantha wanted to be part of the action. She’d much rather just give the information to her more adventurous colleagues and go back to anthropological research, where her heart truly belonged in all of this.
“How do you suggest we approach this?” she asked him, a frown starting to build on her face. She had a bad feeling about this whole excursion.
Ethan looked into the cafe, biting his tongue. He’d never led a mission before, not on his own. Nico and Larkin were the natural leaders, and a bit bossy in their own rights. He’d only been given this task because everyone else saw it as a bit of a lost cause. The curse-breakers of Norway had given up on the troll treasure long ago, allowing the creatures to live in their precarious mountain caves without any worry.
“Quietly and quickly,” he said finally with a definitive nod. Ethan trusted his skills and he trusted Samantha’s, so if everything went according to plan, the trolls wouldn’t even know they were there.
Of course, nothing ever went according to plan, so he’d already concocted a plan B, C, and D. If they made it through D, then, well. They were screwed.
“Right, let’s go,” he said, taking the first step into the cave, lighting his wand but keeping the glow to the barest of minimums.
Samantha looked at the cave, letting out a sigh before she followed after him. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” she muttered to herself. Samantha was never one to throw herself into the thick of things, and Ethan knew it, and yet here they were heading right into a cave that could very well lead to their untimely demise.
So needless to say, it was understandable why Samantha was a bit skeptical about the whole excursion. But the thought of her excavations and project being shut down was too much to swallow. Fucking trolls...this had to be better than the sphinx they ran into, at least.
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