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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-10-27 23:23:00

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Entry tags:adian rosenberg, arista sykes, caradoc dearborn, charles spinnet, charlotte sweeting, delilah spinnet, derek dobbs, galvin gudgeon, giada dorny, glenda prewett, graeme dorny, greta catchlove, group, howell williams, jake bexley, kalista borgin, larkin whitby, louis bonaccord, matthew summerby, nona pepper, nora peakes, octavius pepper, oliver comstock, penelope fawcett, rose knightley, rupert brookstanton, saoirse mullet, seth wadcock

Halloween Haunted Castle Event! Open to Everyone!
While she wasn't particularly keen on parties, she was set on saving wildlife. Everyone else seemed to rake in the galleons by throwing large events, no matter the scandals that erupted from them, so why couldn't they? Nora had conservatory's committee for quite some time now, and being the youngest by a good forty years, had devised this plan as a new and fresh way of funding. It helped greatly that she had friends that had access to some of the best party planners (or that she could twist Charlie Spinnet's ear until he helped her out), and things seemed to have turned out well. So far.

For the brave at heart, there was a grand maze that made its way throughout the haunted castle. Guests would be offered clues to get themselves to the ballroom, and if they were truly lost (as Nora was sure was to occur), for just a small donation (it's for charity), any money dropped into a clue box would light up a blue path down the correct route to lead the way out. With all the Gryffindors that Nora had put on the guest list, she was sure they were going to triple their goal.

There was a simpler route than the maze, which was simply to walk through the double doors to the dance floor. Nora was currently wavering between the two, having run out of pamphlets to give out at the front entrance therefore giving her no excuse to join the festivities. She felt rather exposed, as Delilah had stolen her cloak, and when someone tapped her shoulder she jumped nearly a foot in the air.

"Bloody hell!" she let out, spinning around. "You scared the life out of me!"

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Matthew! :*
2013-10-28 04:22 am UTC (link)
Delilah wrung her hands as she waited outside the maze for Matt. Somehow, her (and Matthew's) life had inconveniently gotten busy just after the night she stayed over his house. She wasn't avoiding him, but as little time as they spent together in the last week compared to the time they use to spend together before, she feared that he might think that she was. Her opting to go over to Nora's to get ready and show up with her probably didn't help matters much at all. She intended to talked to Nora about everything while they were getting ready, but somehow she just couldn't. It didn't feel right sharing his secrets, and Delilah was sure that meant something as normally she told Nora everything.

Pulling at the hem of her top, Delilah shifted on her heels impatiently. She should have blown off that last practice when Matt had asked if she was free. Or at least left Nora to get ready on her own, even if that meant that she might change her mind at the last minute and not show. Perhaps maybe Matt was now avoiding her, even though she thought she was very clear that what had happen in no way made her think any less of him. It actually made her admire him even more as she was sure she would not have managed to hold herself together nearly as well if she had been in a similar situation.

Once she saw him though, all the nerves she had while waiting left her. Skipping down the path to meet him she couldn't help but smile. It was silly to think that things would be awkward now, just because she knew a bit about his past. Even if she did get a pit in her stomach when she thought about telling him about some of the things she had done in the past. And those were the things that he had every right to be apprehensive about. Hopefully, that wouldn't matter either. Later though, that could definitely wait just a little longer. She pushed the thought from her mind as her hand slipped into his, the heels she was wearing made it easy to greet him with a kiss. "Look at you! I can't wait to show you off to Nora, though by now, I'm sure she is sick of hearing me natter on about you."

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2013-10-28 11:36 pm UTC (link)
With the season winding down, Matt had been as expected, busy. Of course he'd been busy before these past few weeks, really...busy all season, but this weekend especially. Workouts had been intense! He'd been so tired. It was out of his hands that he fell asleep on the couch right after getting back from practice and then it was too late to owl Delilah or floo her or----Matt grimaced. He was being a jerk. A coward. He'd never had to deal with a significant other with this kind of stuff. He and Gleny were nothing more than friends when the story first broke about his parentage, but even The Tattler hadn't gotten all the details. He didn't know how to be.

His heart did warm at the sight of her. Delilah looked honestly thrilled to see him, something that had been a huge worry to him. He didn't want her to think that she had to stay his girlfriend just because she'd been exposed to his crazy side. He kissed her back fully, nearly in awe that she was here and happy. Maybe he was thinking too much. Maybe he was just being silly. Maybe it wasn't a big deal after all.

Except it was, he knew, he couldn't just brush it aside like he normally did to keep things happy and uneventful. Maybe tonight they could just be happy, though. They broke apart from the much needed kiss, and Matt kept his hands on her waist.

"I've been practicing my best Liverpudlian accent," Matt said, sounding most definitely not like someone from Liverpool. He'd loved The Beatles music when he was young, however, so if someone requested a tune, he might not be able to resist. "D'you think Nora'll be impressed?"

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2013-10-30 12:05 am UTC (link)
Delilah pursed her lips together trying her best not to laugh. "Not by that accent." She admitted as a giggle escaped. "But everything else, absolutely." Straightening his tie a bit, Delilah grinned up at him. How lucky she was to have such a fantastic date. "Who wouldn't be?"

She linked her arm with his so they could walk back up towards the entrance. "Sorry I've been scarce lately." She said quietly as the hovered between the two options. "Henry is finally letting me actually get back to practicing properly and I've got a lot of catching up to do if I plan to be any good when the important competitions come around." And her practices with Ethan made her twitchy with how often he was beating her now. She was definitely chalking that up to her being fantastic at helping and him just getting better, not her getting worse.

Delilah leaned into Matthew as she considered the two options. Maybe after the party she could convince him to come back to her place and she could attempt to make him breakfast before he went to practice. Or more realistically, go out and get some. She really didn't want to go that without talking to him again. "I should be able to manage to come to your game this weekend though."

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2013-11-02 12:30 am UTC (link)
Matt watched her carefully, not realizing until she was this close how much he'd really missed her. The first few weeks of their rainbow and starry-eyed relationship had been fantastic in every right, and Matt had been worried that his late night madness would have ruined that chemistry. His heart was still pounding wildly, however, and even if Delilah was faking her happiness right now, she was trying, and that effort made his heart swell.

"That'd be great," he said, "Maybe, if you want, you could meet the guys---their wives are always pestering me about getting a girl, so..."

He turned toward her, hands going to her shoulders. She looked ruddy beautiful, and Matt would really, really hate it if she was just being nice. If she didn't want to break up with him before Halloween and ruin the fun. If she didn't know how to cut things off when dealing with someone who had issues like he did. Matt had always tried so hard for people to treat him normally, but it was now occurring to him that no one had ever known the real him and---that meant that there wasn't anyone out there who liked the real him.

Matt let out a breath, "You're still my girl, right?"

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2013-11-03 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Delilah froze slightly at the mention of meeting the other players, and in extension their wives. That sounded, well that sounded a lot like meeting the family. Even if she didn't pay much attention to the game, she knew enough being twins with Charlie to know just how close teams got. And they had been pestering about him getting a girl? This certainly made everything feel a bit more official.

It took her a moment to realize that she wasn't scared about this next step. Not this feeling was nervousness. She wanted his team to like her, and she wasn't exactly sure they would. Caught up in her own thoughts about meeting his team and just how bad that could potentially go, Delilah almost missed his question. A warm feeling settled over her as she focused on the 'my girl'. She couldn't help but hum in contentment at the phrase.

"Oh, well, you see, I have decided that I am quite fond of you." Delilah reaching up to take one of his hands and lacing it with her own. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily, not now that I've made my mind up."

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