He waved off her concern. It hadn't been that long... at least, there was no way for him to tell, as in the flurry of preparing for tonight, Adian had forgotten to bring his timepiece. And usually when that happened, he would simply use Louis as a clock, but Louis was off elsewhere being in a mood. So he couldn't very well have his french friend milling about Lottie, a girl Adian was steadily becoming to believe that Louis kind of relatively hated.
A little bit.
But there wasn't really the time, or energy, to dive too deeply into it. He liked Lottie, and that was all that mattered. Well, relatively. He had to get her to like him too, which was... difficult when it seemed that he lost all regular abilities of walking, talking, and thinking around her.
Hopefully this maze would help! At the very least, it would bring out some opportunities for him to dazzle her with his innate Gryffindor qualities! He had to have some, he believed, to be placed in their house. So... yes. That would be good. Lottie would see how brave he was and be instantly wooed. Praying to Merlin that would happen.
"Ready!" he said, as he produced his wand from his pocket. Adian had been about to charge forward when he noticed... Lottie's hair was on the ground. Because it was so long. "Do you need help with your hair?" he blurted suddenly, thinking it might get caught, or trampled on, or... something. "I mean--" He closed his eyes for a second, feeling a panic rise within him. "Your hair is too nice to be---" Nope, getting worse.
"We should go in!" he practically wheeze, leaning back on his heels as he spoke.
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