Seth hummed as he followed at a much lazier pace. Larkin could stomp off all she wanted, but that wasn't going to make him forget what he wanted to talk about. He caught up with her at the next obstacle and leaned against a tree offering no help what so ever.
"I suppose that's fair, though I can't say that I wasn't hoping. I mean, why else would you sleep with Michal as soon as he wakes from a coma and then run off without a word for weeks. Surely it couldn't have been just for work." Seth said casually. He heaved a heavy sigh as he pushed off the tree. "Disappointing, really. Michal can be a prick, but don't really think he deserved that."
He examined the bubbling pool of mud before them and decided he didn't really want to deal with that. "Well," Seth clapped his hands together. "I don't think this is the way, I'm going to go back. I'll leave you to your race. I'm sure it is just as important as your work."
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