Oh, she could talk quidditch for hours. She wouldn't, but she could. Scarlett playfully explained bits of the game, though mostly she was filling in the time with her own stories on the pitch. She used the opportunity to ask Grail questions about himself, feeling much more relaxed than at the gala where she had basically let him lead the night. Even though the pub wasn't someplace she would find herself on her own, Scarlett was finding it easy enough to be herself.
"...and that's why my nose is a little off-center," she said, putting the tip of her finger to her nose to give it a little shake. Scarlett reached for her drink and looked around the pub, at the rather empty pub. "Looks like we've got the place to ourselves."
Scarlett turned back to Grail, an amused and expectant smile on her face. She hoped she hadn't driven the few patrons off with her talking, though they really had been there longer than she'd thought. It was getting rather late, actually.
"What now?"
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