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Otto Bagman ([info]ottothisworld) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-10-15 23:38:00

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Entry tags:marissa shimpling, otto bagman

Otto had been in a better mood over the last couple of weeks than he had been in the last few years. It all had to do with a certain redheaded witch he had been spending most of his time with. They had just been hanging out, but they were hanging out enough for people to start to question whether or not they were more than just friends. Otto never really knew how to respond when people commented on what a 'cute couple' they were, and he could tell Ann's cheeks went bright red whenever the subject was brought up. They neither confirmed or denied it in public, but it was definitely something Otto thought about.

Why weren't they a couple? They enjoyed spending time with each other, they had a lot of the same interests, they made each other laugh - it all just seemed to make sense, though Otto had yet to try and get them out of the friend zone before they became trapped there. He just didn't want to mess it all up, somehow.

Arriving at Ann's doorstep, Otto adjusted the bag in his arms. He had stopped for some sandwiches, as promised, and was now just waiting for the young healer to let him inside. Once the door was opened, his eyes focused on the petite woman before him, offering a smile. He seemed to smile every time he saw her.

"Hey," he stepped forward to give her a kiss on the cheek before going inside, allowing her to shut the door behind him. He made his way back towards the kitchen in order to place the bag of food down. Her house always smelled amazing - like flowers and sweet spices. He felt comfortable, here.

"Hope you're hungry," he offered, once his arms were free, turning back towards her. "I couldn't remember what you liked so I got pretty much everything, just to be safe."

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2013-10-17 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Ann had kept herself busy throughout the afternoon, sorting things out and then trying to keep herself from fretting over the state of her flat. So she took to the kitchen instead, baking sweets and getting a tea kettle on a little before he was due to arrive.

At his arrival, a bright smile covered her face. "It's so good to see you," she replied as she let him in and went to the kitchen with him as well.

She laughed at the mention of the sandwiches. "That's an awful lot of food!" she replied, tending to the tea before carefully carrying the serving tray to the table. "I've got tea and tarts for after," she added, shrugging her shoulders.

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2013-10-28 01:06 am UTC (link)
Her warm greeting made him even more glad to be there. It had been some time since anyone had ever been so truly happy to see him. "I suppose it would have been more practical to just ask you in advance, but I've never been known for my practicality." He started unloading the sandwiches onto the counter so the writing on the sides of each stating their contents could be read. He allowed her to get first choice before picking one of his own and carrying it over to the table. He really wasn't even all that hungry, but he had promised her lunch as an excuse to be able to see her.

Well, he had actually used wanting to borrow her copy of the Daily Prophet as his excuse to see her. He just hoped his motives weren't all too transparent. They had a good thing going on, but he was trying to see if there was a chance they could have something...more. She was a little hard to read, and he didn't want to do something that could jeopardize their friendship. He just knew if he didn't try and figure it out soon, he'd never know.

"Did you hear about that big Halloween party that's going on this weekend? I hear it's supposed to be pretty scary."

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2013-10-28 01:39 am UTC (link)
Ann picked out a simple turkey and ham sandwich before sitting down at the table herself. She took a small bite of it just as he asked about the Halloween party, and with her mouth full was only able to nod. After a small drink of tea, she was finally able to sleep. "I did, though I didn't hear it was supposed to be scary!" A small part of Ann wanted to go with him, but if it was highly ranked on the scary side, she didn't know how she would handle it.

"Are you planning on going?" she asked casually, picking up her sandwich once again.

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2013-10-31 01:10 am UTC (link)
He couldn't help but let out a snicker at her reply, picking at the crust of his sandwich. "What did you expect from a Halloween party?" He popped the crust into his mouth, thinking back to all the Halloween parties he had been to over the years. He used to love dressing up for the holiday, though he hadn't celebrated for a few years after the disappearance of the dark lord in '81. It was also the day he had lost two dear friends, so it had taken him some time to really get back into the spirit of Halloween.

Her question made him shrug, picking at some more of his bread. "I don't know. I mean, I was thinking about it." He paused for a moment before looking back up at her. "I think it'd be a lot more fun if I didn't have to go alone." He gave her a smile before popping some more of his crust into his mouth. "C'mon, I think it'd be fun. You can just hide behind me until we get to the actual party. I'll make you a blindfold and lead you through." He smiled again before taking an actual bite of his turkey and cheese sandwich.

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2013-10-31 01:27 am UTC (link)
Ann shrugged, feeling a small blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Obviously there should be some scariness to it, I just--" she shook her head. "I haven't been to anything like that in quite some time." For her, her weeks were so full from work that oftentimes large outings became even more exhausting and wearing on her nerves.

"But it does sound like fun," she added, watching him carefully.

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2013-11-17 07:18 pm UTC (link)
Otto reached for a napkin in order to wipe his hands and the corners of his mouth, swallowing his food before he went back to picking at his sandwich. Again, he wasn't hungry, but it would have looked strange if he had showed up at her place with an entire bag full of food and he didn't eat any of it. "It does sound like fun," he agreed, turning to look at her.

"I think it'll be a lot more fun if you went with me, though."

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