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phoebe ❀ ([info]feebees) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I'm so glad this isn't a quidditch event," Phoebe said with a loud breath, dropping down into the chair beside her husband. She of course, as the youngest and newest employee in their agency, had to do her rounds with the clients of hers that had shown up. Summerby was dallying with the Spinnet girl and she was sure that the Tattler was going to have a bloody riot with that, but as long as they didn't disappear into a dark corner....

Anyway, she was finally off duty for the night and was glad to be! This was the first time in what felt like years that she and Elphias were out together, dressed up and baby-less. Her little Leo was of course the center of her universe and the light of her life, but that boy could only stay up until eight o'clock! Sometimes mummy and daddy wanted to stay up way past their bedtime.

Phoebe bounced in her seat, turning to Elphias to kiss him quickly on the cheek. She didn't want to continue reinforcing how happy she was to be out, but she couldn't help it, as they both could so easily fall into the role of bookworms and homebodies.

"How many dances can I get out of you tonight?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head in an exaggerated, questioning manner. Her cheshire cat smile only enhanced the batting of her eyes.

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