Iwan felt his imaginary feathers get ruffled, but he kept a straight face. He was being bold, especially for him, but her answer didn't seem like a definite no. Did she really believe she'd be a bother? Marissa could never.
"You wouldn't be!" he said in a soft, but cheerful tone. Iwan felt the worry radiating off of her, but it couldn't be because she thought he'd get sick of her or something, right? No, no. Iwan was a nervous wreck for most of his life because of the deplorable behavior of his parents and his McKinley half-siblings, and only managed to make it out of there with some sort of sense because Sophie and Mason didn't find him a bother.
He scooted his chair forward to face Marissa, grinning, "It could be fun. Season's almost over...lots of late mornings stuck in bed...I know we haven't been dating for long, but..." Iwan felt his ears go red, and he reached out and touched the ends of Marissa's fiery locks. "We're good for each other. We can be good for a while."
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