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м c h α l ([info]conways) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-08-22 21:12:00

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Who: Michal Conway Lynch & Larkin Whitby!
What: omg these two
Where: Mungo's! His room
When: nowish!

Michal watched Larkin’s hair bounce as she walked, it falling over her shoulder as she sat down into the chair beside him. Her legs crossed as she eased back, and he ignored her drilling stare by directing his interests up toward the ceiling. Their stubborn silence finally broke when Larkin sighed.

“Well.” She leaned forward to rest her elbows on her legs. “What did you say?”

Michal decided not to respond, and instead squinted his eyes to make it easier to scrutinize any indistinguishable marks above him. There wasn’t much to look at, but this was his Mungo’s room, she had appeared under the premise of seeing him, so he very much felt he could act however he wanted.

Plus, it was very easy to blame any inappropriate acts on the fact that he hadn’t been conscious for almost a week.

“What did you say?” Larkin repeated, this time with a big more urgency in her voice. Its edge was enough to pull his gaze back toward her, and Michal looked back at her with the most contempt he could muster.

“You’re bad at visiting people in the hospital,” Michal sniffed, pushing his tongue to the side of his cheek. “Who gave you access to my room?”

Clearly a bit insulted, Larkin’s face screwed up tight in a rare flare of utter annoyance.

“Don’t get your knickers all in a twist with me. It’s very hard to believe that this--” she waved generally to his reclined form, “-- was all an accident including the most well-tempered boy in the wizarding world.” Larkin believed she knew Michal well enough to know that something was amiss here. “He barely even speaks, Michal, what could you have possible said that would put you in the situation of almost losing your career, your li--”

“I didn’t say anything,” Michal responded hotly, now clearly annoyed. He sat up a bit straighter, clutching his elbows to his side. Was she really lecturing him, here, now? If she had felt so strongly about this, why wait so long to come and see him? Why meander outside in the waiting room for days, letting Seth of all people slyly enlighten him of her quiet presence?

What did Seth know; even potentially postmortem, his best friend still found the means to torture him.

Michal’s face contorted further, finding that all this aggravation was making his head ache a dull pain “Ask Howell if you don’t believe me,” he snipped finally, hoping that would be enough to end the discussion. As he spoke, he swept the bed sheets off his legs and swung them over the side of the bed. “You won’t, you just want to throw a fit.”

Larkin sucked in her cheeks to bite down on them, thinking quickly. She wouldn’t, would she? She had, up until now, let the poor boy be for he seemed extremely distraught about all that had happened, but now that Michal was leaving little other choice...

She had just seen Howell sitting outside twenty minutes ago too…

Larkin looked at Michal fiercely for a beat, weighing this new challenge before her briefly before shooting up from her seat and toward the door. She threw it open unceremoniously and with purpose.

“HOWELL!” While bellowing, Larkin looked Michal straight in the eye. “COME IN HERE FOR A MOMENT WON’T YOU?”

Michal’s eyes widened, and while he thought Larkin’s stunt would annoy him, it really just made him want to sigh. “Don’t drag Howell in here, Liddie keeps tripping him everywhere he goes,” he muttered, hand now rubbing the side of his head.

Having looked away to peer down the hall for a moment, Larkin turned back to see Michal shakily attempting to stand. Her jaw dropped as she jumped back toward him, leaving the door ajar.

“What are you doing!” Too preoccupied with wrapping her arms around him to provide support, Larkin didn’t hide the urgency in her voice. “Did the Healer say you could---”

“What happened to calling for Howell?” he interrupted, his smile far too wide to be innocent. Larkin quickly shoved him hard in the gut with her palm.

Outside Michal’s room, Saoirse turned at the sound of her boyfriend’s name being roared down the hall behind her. Howell had been spending a lot of time here at Mungo’s since Michal’s accident, and she, in turn when she could, stayed here with him, but admittedly that hadn’t been a lot. She would visit and sit with him whenever the time allowed, but even those few moments hadn’t been as long or frequent as they should have been. So she had thought, or the premise of being here tonight, was to see if he wanted to come home for dinner, or see if Cook could cook something for him to give to Michal for dinner, but… she hadn’t been able to find him.

Now, thankfully, the search was over. Saoirse couldn’t say she enjoyed being at St. Mungo’s, but she had at least enough experience with the building to feel comfortable wandering in it without someone particularly close to her admitted or being admitted herself.

Beginning her slow meander down the hall to where she believed Howell was, Saoirse (not so politely) peered into the passing rooms. Most of them were empty, a couple occupied, but none were as functioning or lively as that of Michal Conway Lynch’s. It was most likely because most patients on his floor seemed to be perpetually unconscious and therefore left their loved ones little to mill about over, but---

Saoirse’s eyes widened like two full moons as the scene before her stopped her in her tracks. Was that--- was that---

She closed her eyes quickly to help ward off the image before her that would definitely leave a scar, and knocked back awkwardly into the doorframe. She hadn’t meant--- she hadn’t thought--- Saoirse quickly rubbed her eyes with palms and shook her head. But try as she might, she couldn’t quite get the burned image out of her mind.

That had definitely been Michal Conway Lynch definitely getting straddled by an unfamiliar witch and they had definitely been doing something that she of all people was not meant to witness and--- Saoirse blinked faster as she retreated the hall to the exit. Would she ever be able to erase the sight of Michal Conway Lynch in the midst of what very much looked like having sex in a public place? Most definitely not.

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