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galvin g. gudgeon ([info]galvinized) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-07-29 21:15:00

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Entry tags:adian rosenberg, charlotte sweeting, elizabeth fortescue, galvin gudgeon, glenda prewett, group, ian bell, jake bexley, larkin whitby, rose knightley, savannah davies, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack, william blexley

All Star Fan-Fest Weekend! Open to ALL!
His grin couldn't be any wider.

"I'm pretty sure she's going to beat my score," Vinny said with an extreme nod to the group of onlookers that were watching his lovely and adorable girlfriend Gleny score as many goals in the miniature hoops that were set up. Vinny had quite purposely aimed a bit far to the right as to not completely run away with the game, but Gleny was putting up a rather good fight regardless.

It was a fun day, weekend, really, of games and events that he thought were going to be a bit of a chore but had ended up being remarkably entertaining. The fans that were participating were the ones who truly loved the game and were great to have conversations with. It was a very unique way to interact with them in a way Vinny had never really gotten a chance to, and he did not feel overwhelmed in the slightest. Hosting the weekend's bigger attractions had seemed daunting, but it was going swimmingly.

Mostly in part to his, once again, lovely and adorable girlfriend who had just ended the round of Quick Quaffle with a tie score!

"Great job!" Vinny said with honest excitement as he happily hugged Gleny in celebration. Merlin, quidditch and his girl, what more could a bloke ask for?

OOC: Click here for ideas of what could be going on at Falmouth Stadium! These fun days dated from the 27th - 31st! List of Teams!

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2013-07-29 11:20 pm UTC (link)
She couldn't hide her look of disgust. As much as Liz liked candy and sweets (hello, Fortescue, here!) she could simply not understand how her daughter was currently scarfing down the gigantic chocolate-and-rainbow-sprinkle-marshmallow-cotton candy stick she'd ever seen. Quidditch stadium food was certainly a crowd pleaser, but Liz was wondering if it was also a vomit inducer.

"All of those teeth that you've worked so hard to grow, Cakes," Liz said with a slow shake of her head. She looked over at Ian, wondering if he was getting as nauseous as she was or if he'd like his own crazy cone concoction.

It had been a very fun day with all the All Star craziness, and even though she'd wanted Ian to make the team, it was sort of, well, better that he hadn't! More time to treat Katie and play all the games and such. Less pressure, more time to enjoy his time off. Not that Liz had much say in what he did in his time off, especially since his sister's words were constantly bouncing around in her head every time they were within five feet of each other, but whatever!

"Aren't you going to miss her beautiful teeth?" she asked him, eyes widening in an exaggerated manner to show Katie how truly concerned she was.

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2013-07-30 12:14 am UTC (link)
In a not-so-subtle display of passive-aggressiveness, Jake had chosen to wear his Team Germany Bexley jersey instead of the Falcons one that William had tossed at him this morning. He had not been happy with his brother's move to Falmouth this past season for reasons he couldn't explain with anything much further than 'I'm just not.' He couldn't tell you if it was the team's excessive use of violence, the dreary color of their robes, or their mascot, all he knew was that he wouldn't be caught dead in a Falcons jersey and that was final.

He tugged at the color of the golden jersey and made his way through the rather thick crowd, wondering if he should have waited for William before he'd ventured out. No, no he decided, because then he would've been stuck doing what Will said. He had swiped his backstage-pass, and decided that there was one good thing about his brother being a Falcon.

Finding it hard to concentrate on anything but his task at hand, Jake bumped and pushed away those in his way. He muttered half-assed apologies and managed to make it to his destination.

A security guard put his hand up as he reached the gate and without diverting his gaze Jake lifted the badge that was dangling around his neck and flashed it in his face. Not acknowledging the guard and his removal of the magical barrier, Jake strode into the press area where not only the All-Stars were mingling about and doing interviews, but also where the members of the celebrity match were chatting away, having to go on stage for a short question and answer in t-minus fifteen minutes.

Suddenly his mission came to a screeching halt. There she was, the target of his journey, and Jake suddenly and confusedly found himself shifting to hide himself against the wall of one of the makeshift lockers. He'd come all this way to talk to Greta Catchlove, but it seemed like his focus was malfunctioning now that he was within a few meters of her. He shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths. It'd be fine. He'd talked to her before. But that was before. Jake opened his eyes, regaining his focus and moving to stand to the side and wait patiently for an opening in Greta's conversation to reintroduce himself.

He was not going to worry himself with how poorly this could turn out, he had to focus on the task at hand.

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2013-07-30 03:08 am UTC (link)
He hadn’t quite thought this through, now had he? No, not exactly, Adian couldn’t help but realize as he rushed through the crowd, haphazardly pushing himself past bodies in the most frantic of manners. See, he hadn’t exactly thought that if your best friend decided to punch a Quidditch player in his own stadium over some familial issues that the hit-wizards would come after you as well. Where had they gotten the idea that he was Louis’ accomplice? As he looked over his shoulder, Adian thought it probably had to do with the appropriately timed cheer he produced after Louis’ fist met famous person’s face.

Or maybe it had been the epic high-five he and Louis managed before stumbling into each other in a fit of alarm over the sheer number of hit-wizards that appeared from nowhere. Adian was lucky he had quick feet, or else he was sure he’d be a petrified log on the ground paces ago. Quick feet and an innate ability to people weave. Merlin you would think it was the world cup with the solid amount of people in attendance of this quidditch weekend thing.

Adian craned his neck further over his shoulder, looking fully behind his back now. He had lost Louis during their mad dash, but the justice unit hot on the trail? He wasn’t so sure about their whereabouts, which was why he hadn’t stopped moving yet. Focused far too much on all that was after him, Adian couldn’t have been more unaware of all that was in front of him. It was for this reason that he, without fail, found himself ramming head-first into a witch without the slightest hint of warning.

He let out a strangled noise as he felt the both of them lose balance, a terror only heightened by his hands getting caught between his, and a very soft, and very female’s, front.

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2013-07-30 03:11 am UTC (link)
Lottie was quite pleased with herself, she had just escaped the clutches of a rather old batty retired quidditch player, pleased with herself that she managed at least one decent piece of gossip and had finished her task all in under twenty minutes. Gleny had introduced the two of them, telling her that he at some point in his life actually been a player who actually meant something, she wasn’t really sure as she may have stopped listening somewhere between ‘he played for the United in the fifties’ and ‘kindly show him to the WWN VIP area’.

Now she had the rest of the day to herself to meander about the crowd and see what sort of gossip she could soak up. She wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings as she sucked on the end of a sugar quill in between sips of tea, so when she was a bit blindsided when she was knocked side wise and it took her a minute to realize the only reason she didn’t topple to the ground was because someone was getting handsy.

“Excuse you!” She snapped pulling away from the boy instinctively. Honestly, what could have been so urgent, that he didn’t even see a witch standing right in front of him. Charlotte gave him a small glare before turning her attention back to herself, letting out a small shriek when she noticed her tea had spilled. “My robes! They are ruined.”

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2013-07-30 03:12 am UTC (link)
“Lottie!” Adian choked, feeling a distinct and paralyzing horror shoot through his bones. His hands fumbled as his thoughts halted in a spectacular manner one could only describe as unexpected and excited terror. Was he--- had he just--- Adian released what hold he had left of her, too shocked by the fact that Charlotte Sweeting, also known as Lottie, had managed to cross his tumbling path to realize he had actually just been touching Lottie Sweeting, an act only dreamed about many a months at Hogwarts.

And, perhaps, in the current as well, but that wouldn’t occur to Adian until later when his head wasn’t buzzing and his palms weren’t currently attempting to create pools of water at his feet.

Lottie Sweeting. The smartest, prettiest, most flawless witch to ever grace this good earth with her presence-- and he had just rammed into her like any other ordinary soul. And ruined her robes?! Merlin he hadn’t seen her in months and now---

Adian’s frozen face sprang to life, his hands rushing to his head. “I’m sorry!” he let out quickly, finally letting out the long breath of air he had apparently been holding in. His eyes widened uncomfortably, but they didn’t bother him. Not that he would, he was far too concerned with this close proximity to her, her face, her hair, her smell--- how had this happened? This was not supposed to be the first time she finally noticed him!

“I didn’t see you, I was running--- here!” Adian exclaimed suddenly, groping for his wand. “Let me! I can---” Jerkily, without thinking, he reached for the wet spot in her robes to hold it out for his wand. He could fix this! Not Lottie’s robes, she would forever label him as this daft that definitely could not afford to replace her proper clothes, and--- feeling a great rising panic filling him, Adian felt his heart race as a sweat broke out under his hairline.

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2013-07-30 03:15 am UTC (link)
“You were-- What on earth could have been so important that you couldn’t even pay attention to people innocently standing around.” Lottie sputtered wiping at her robes. How could he not of seen her. What a ridiculous notion, her robes were the loveliest vibrant teal that stood out in a massive contrast to all the people running around sporting their favorite Quidditch teams’ colors. “How do you even know--- wait--no, nevermind that. Its Charlotte.”

When she noticed him with his wand out she gestured expectantly. “Well, go on then.” She was rubbish at cleaning spells and by the time she got some where that could fix it properly, the stain would have set anyways. He really couldn’t make it much worse, and she couldn’t really be expected to walk around in such a state for the rest of the day.

While she waited somewhat impatiently for him to do whatever he was going to do to attempt to right his grievous wrong, Lottie took the opportunity to study the frantic looking boy in front of her. He definitely had a familiar face and she couldn’t quite place it. Must have been from school, she was almost willing to bet-- “Oh. I know you.” she said as it finally clicked into place. He was in her year at Hogwarts, always hanging around with Louis. Lottie instinctively looked around for the other boy tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. If she remembered correctly one was usually not far behind the other. “You were in my year at school.”

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2013-07-30 04:17 am UTC (link)
His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at his slip, and her correction. Right, yes, her friends called her Lottie didn't they? But he wasn't exactly her friend, he wasn't anybody, just some housemate of hers that she had barely interacted past the few intelligible noises he produced when around her.

"Sorry," Adian let out sheepishly, and shaking his head. Just wonderful, was there anything else he should blurt out while he was at it? That he had been in love with her since third year? He was currently on the run from legal representatives? Potentially. There was more, he was sure, but at the moment Adian found himself struggling to focus on more than one thing at a time. And of course, that one thing he had the most focus on was Lottie Charlotte Sweeting before him.

He pulled at the fabric of her robes tighter, holding it out for a proper see when--- Adian felt his face heat up. Struggling to keep the calmest composure possible (which was hard when you were breathing as heavily as he was), he continued to try and focus on this spell Louis had taught him a thousand times for cleaning the flat but had never actually used. Louis usually got to it first.

"Yeah, we were housemates," he let out suddenly, stupidly... bravely? His mouth continued to move and produce words as if a separate entity from his brain. "It's Adian. Rosenberg." Merlin, he shouldn't know if he should feel humiliated or overjoyed about-- OH! Finally remembering the spell, Adian quickly mumbled the correct incantation and watched as the stain disappeared from her robes.

A quick smile formed on his face at his own handiwork, only feeling pleased until his gaze shot back up and his short-term memory realized he was, in fact, still talking to Lottie Sweeting and he had just made a fool of himself. Adian's smile dropped, and he ran his hand through his hair.

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2013-07-30 08:46 am UTC (link)
Lottie's lips twitched up slightly when she realized that Adian had set her robes right, finding it hard to hold a grudge. She wouldn't have done as much herself. Smoothing out her robes glancing around the crowd, this time spotting one of the security wizards looking around searching. A brow quirked as she turned her attention back to her former housemate. That was the direction he had come from.

She tilted her head to the side slightly as she studied Adian. Now that he had said the name, Lottie remembered him easily. Always thought he was a bit odd, never did say much to her. For the longest time she was positive that he had an unfortunate stutter, but others had assured her that was not the case. Biting her lip, she debated. She did love gossip. There had to be a story here.

"Alright, come along." She said nodding slightly, taking a gamble. Lottie waved her fingers as she started toward the beverage cart she had just left. "I believe you owe me a coffee. And at the very least you can tell me what had you running like you stole some one's quidditch cup ring." She paused, looking back. "You didn't, did you? Am I unknowingly abetting you in a crime?"

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2013-07-31 12:42 am UTC (link)
His jaw dropped. Come... along? As in... come along? As in... as in--- Adian shook his head quickly, attempting to knock himself out of this stupor. Lottie had just told him to come along, as in walk beside her with the premise of conversing. So his legs should probably start moving, since she had already begun to walk, and-- all at once, his legs sprung forward and Adian sputtered to catch up.

If he had been paying attention to the more pressing issues at hand, he probably would have ducked his head more, or at least attempted to hide his face, but with Lottie Sweeting giving him the time of day? Those quickly forgotten hit-wizards were going to locate him in no time. He was completely absorbed with the witch beside him.

"Uh..." He scratched the back of his head with his wand, also having forgotten to pocket it. "I mean..." he began again, struggling to think, let alone piece together a proper summary of his last ten minutes that wouldn't completely incriminate or make him look like an even bigger fool to her. That was going to happen anyway, wasn't it? "Well, I kind of..." Adian rubbed the tip of his wand against the back of his head harder.

"They think I punched Michal Conway Lynch from the Falcons back there, just now," Adian blurted, his hands going up into the air. "But I didn't," he added quickly, turning toward her more. At this point, his nerves were getting the best of him, and he felt his notorious loose-lips take over.

"Louis did. I was just standing in line for moral support. Actually I was in queue for Anya Kallinikov's autograph but then Louis made me get in Lynch's. He was dating Louis' sister, and some messed up shit went done so--" Adian quickly cut himself off, realizing a little too late that this information was not exactly his to retell. After a few beats, his own situation sunk in.

"They think I attacked an international quidditch star!" he moaned suddenly.

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2013-07-31 03:54 am UTC (link)
Lottie's eyes grew progressively wider as Adian told his story. She was expecting something, but this was not it. IT was golden so much more information than she could have ever hoped for. Someone had punched Michal Conway Lynch in his own stadium. Charlotte could not make up a better story.

"Just go with it." She said with a shrug. "Its bold to go after a player in their own pitch. And you got away with it, because as far as I'm concerned, you've been with me for the past twenty minutes." It was the least she could do, provide him with a alibi for if Conway was petty enough to actually pursue any legal action. Taking a butterbeer from the stand, Charlotte sipped it thoughtfully.

Amused by his story, she felt that he earned her forgiveness. He was running from the hit wizards for basically being a good friend after all. "Any other players you need to take out? Or do you have the rest of FanFest to enjoy on your own?"

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2013-08-01 01:17 am UTC (link)
"But I didn't--!" he burst out immediately, a bit too quickly. For whatever reason, he was determined to not completely ruin the already pretty abysmal opinion she undoubtedly had of him. But was it so much to ask for the witch you liked to not think you were a total twat, or even worse, a twat on the run for public violence?

Adian bit back his bottom lip, harder than he had wanted to from all this extra energy running through him. He was talking to Lottie Sweeting. He was running from the law. At a star-studded event with more famous people around than he could imagine. How was all of this happening again? If this turned out to be a dream, he really was going to go into a depressive state only food and long bouts of pathetic groaning could cure.

Well. At least in this dream or reality, Lottie just openly offered to spending fake time with him? It really was sad how high that brought his hopes up.

Adian held back his tongue for a moment, using their close proximity as an excuse to stare at Lottie Charlotte Sweeting beside him. It it were even possible, she had become even more beautiful since their school days. What was she doing now? No doubt something as flawless as her, living in a flawless flat with a flawless boyfriend with a flawless---

"My sister made me promise to watch her play later," he blurted suddenly, revealing a bit late how wrapped up he had been at staring at her by his delayed response. Adian swallowed thickly. "That's how I got this pass, she usually gives it to her--"

Uh oh.

All of the sudden, Adian found himself unable to pick his feet off the ground. His eyes widened as he looked down at the ground, catching the parting remnants of a sticky-feet spell settle.

Uh oh.

"Lottie!" he yelped, unable to move any further. He hadn't even felt the spell hit him, but it obviously had, as he now heard the shouts from behind to stay still (where else was he going?!) and other people around them turning to stare. "Lottie!" Adian squeaked, feeling very much like his heart would die from how quickly it was sputtering.

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2013-08-01 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Everything was escalating so quickly. Her eyes shifted quickly from the hit-wizards to Adian who seemed to be unable to move. She should just leave him, it really wasn't her problem at all. But then there was the chance he would never tell her anything again. Lottie did like to keep in the good graces of those who provided her with good gossip.

"Don't just stand there!" she demanded taking hold of his wrist, giving it a hearty tug. "They will be here any minute!"

Realizing that his feet were in fact stuck to where they were, Charlotte threw her hands up in defeat. She was miserable at jinxes and counter jinxes. She couldn't get caught, what if they thought she had done something wrong too. She had already pushed a bit far with Octavius this week and if it got out that she helped, who knew what would happen.

"Ihavetogo!" she said quickly. Lottie didn't know what else to do. She couldn't really help. She didn't think that people were actually coming after him. Wouldn't they be more concerned with chasing Louis. Either way, she reported the gossip, she couldn't be the gossip. She didn't do anything at all. "I am sorry. I'll make it up to later, I promise."

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2013-08-04 03:15 am UTC (link)
Lottie Sweeting had touched his hand. How could he possibly even in the tiniest bit upset about her ditching him when she had touched his hand.

Well, technically it had been his arm, his lower arm, but it had been closer to his hand than his elbow so that counted, definitely.

Adian's thoughts were completely consumed on this simple occurrence, so much so that he barely felt his feet finally unstick and a pair of hands strong-arm him backwards. His legs fumbled only because he wasn't paying attention to anything present, but instead the retreating bob of Charlotte's hair into the crowd. It could be spotted yards away, with how it bounced, and flew, and---

She'd make it up to him later. Wait until he told Louis--- well, Louis probably wouldn't care, what with the current situation at hand, but-- Adian let out a content sigh, his head in the clouds as his body was hauled away. She promised. What did a Charlotte Sweeting promise entail? He prayed to all that was holy and Merlin that he would make it through the next 24 hours to find out.

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Seth :O
2013-07-30 10:13 pm UTC (link)
Savannah had been walking around the stadium for the last hour or so, stopping by the different stations to participate in the activities they were hosting. She was glad to have things to distract her, since she had been spending far too much time thinking about all the ways her life hadn't turned out as she had planned. Between everything that was going on with her job, and now with Geoff, she focused most of her attention on getting ready for the celebrity match that was coming up instead of wallowing.

She hadn't spoken to her boyfriend of over two years since the fight they had gotten into about a week ago - the fight where they had decided it would be best for them to take a break for a while, since they clearly couldn't decide on their priorities. Savannah was focused on getting settled into a career, and eventually starting a family, whereas Geoff was gambling away galleons like they grew on trees.

Had they broken up? Merlin, she wasn't even sure if it was fair to still call him her boyfriend, or if he was her 'ex'. The fact that she wasn't sure was why she hadn't said anything to Carys, and had just shrugged her shoulders and said 'we're fine' in an all too casual way when her best friend had asked her how things were going. She knew she was lying, but Savannah appreciated the fact that she hadn't started prying while they were there. She just wanted to enjoy herself, and she wanted to pay attention to sports, not her love life. Of course those two things did seem to go hand in hand, didn't they? Maybe it was just Quidditch players...or she'd like to believe it was the profession which had caused all her previous failed relationships, only it was a flawed theory and she knew it.

It was only a matter of time before Carys had to run off and be important, leaving her friend to her own defenses for a while. She took advantage of her alone time to wander into the 'Women of Quidditch' display that was set up, proudly wearing the old 'Llewellyn' Jersey she purchased long before Carys had gotten married. She lifted an arm to rake her fingers through her hair, looking at all the old pictures of women who had been playing over the years. She was amazed to see how empty it was, only locating one other person within a 10 foot area.

Of course, that one person just happened to remind her of the one subject she was trying so desperately to not think about - her love life. It was her ex-husband, Seth Wadcock, and for once, he wasn't being swarmed. She hesitated for a moment before she let out a sigh, moving closer so that she was eventually standing beside him. There was no point in avoiding him.

"Did you come in here to admire these women for their skill, or because you like the way they fill out their uniforms?" She questioned, though when she finally turned to look at him she had a small smirk gracing her features. She turned away from him in order to look back at the pictures, her hands slipping into the pockets of the jeans she was wearing.

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2013-07-31 04:37 am UTC (link)
Seth was taking a well deserved break from the never enging task of All-Star weekend. He would have thought it would get easier, having done all this before but actually it was just getting harder. Perhaps he was getting old. After a day being chased by kids on the W.Q.W. Mini Practice Pitch, followed by interviews and autograph sessions, he was glad to get away from the crowds for a while. He had been being to come by the exhibit since it opened at the beginning of the weekend but it just wasn't possible.

While perhaps they shouldn't have, Savannah's words caught him a bit off guard. Had he not known (hoped) she was teasing, it would have been a low blow. "Both. I admire many women for many different reasons. Very equal opportunity." Seth said without missing a beat, not wanting to let on that her words hit a bit close to home.

"Just checking to make sure no one has graffitied on the family pictures. A few of those are the only copies we have." He continued in a bit of a more serious tone nodding toward the placard that read 'Joscelind Wadcock'. As terrible as it was, Seth honestly couldn't remember if he had ever told Savannah that his grandmother played quidditch. That she was a major reason he decided to take up the sport. He dreamed of playing for the United just to make her proud.

She was also the reason that Seth held a high respect for women players, and would be the last to say that he was better merely because he was a male. "You have to admit, Nanna makes United robes look good." Seth said returning Savannah's smirk with one of his own and an exaggerated wink.

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2013-07-31 10:52 am UTC (link)
There was really no way for her to know that her question may have rubbed him the wrong way, so she honestly wasn't trying to be malicious. She had stopped trying to find ways to hurt him a long time ago, finding that it wasn't worth all the effort. It had just become exhausting after a while, being so angry at him all the time. She felt she had every reason to be, after everything that had happened between them - him asking her to marry him and having her move to Montrose with him before eventually falling out of love with her.

Still, that was all in the past. There was no need to keep rubbing salt into wounds that had started to heal.

When he mentioned family pictures, Savannah's brows furrowed together, turning to look at what he was gesturing at. She leaned in a little closer to read the name, and then her eyes lifted to look at the witch the name belonged to. When he spoke again, she looked over at him, letting out a snort at his inappropriate joke.

"It runs in the family," she said with another smirk, though once she realized what it was she was saying, she turned away from him to focus her attention on the photographs of his grandmother. She shifted her weight, removing one of her hands from her pocket in order to tuck some hair behind her ear - a nervous habit that she had always possessed.

“Did she teach you how to play? Looks like she could have shown you a thing or two,” she said with deep admiration for the witch as she watched he zoom around. Savannah had always been into sports, but she had never considered herself to be a good enough player to join a professional league. Writing had always been her passion, anyway. “You may have her looks, Wadcock, but you didn’t inherit have her grace.” Again, she was just teasing, and she looked over at him with another faint smile to make that clear.

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2013-08-01 07:40 pm UTC (link)
Seth laughed mostly because it was true. He would have been lucky to have just half the grace his grandmother did. She also had the knack of still being able to make him feel like he was fourteen and getting caught trying to sneak out of the house to see the pretty girl down the street.

He would never forget the stack of Tattler's he got a few years back with the attached note that said, 'Just remember if the world knows, your Grandmother knows.' He had been mortified, it never had occurred to him his actions would get back to her.

"I'm lucky to have gotten anything from her." Seth admitted honestly. "She taught both Henry and I when we use to go visit for the summers. Said we were her last hope to see another Wadcock wear a United robes." He shuffled his feet slightly keeping his gaze on the pictures in front of him. He really didn't like how much he had mucked that one up because he was power hungry and just plain dumb. When he looked back at some of the things he did, he was really surprised she still spoke to him at all.

Shoving his hands in his pockets he turned from the pictures towards Savannah desperate for a change of subject. Seth was doing his best to move on from that time in his life, be a better person than he was and the easiest track to do that was just to cut out everything from that time of his life. But then there was Savannah, who probably got the very worst of what he had done, and he wasn't sure how to untangle the two.

Seth wanted this tentative attempt at friendship, or at the very least civility to work. It was the very least he could do, but it was also incredibly hard to stand in a room with her and not think of all the things he had done. And what exactly he had thrown away.

"Anyways, enough about me, its a tired subject. How are things for you? Looking for a new scoop for Witch Weekly?"

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2013-08-01 08:37 pm UTC (link)
It was admittedly a little surprising, listening to Seth speak about his Grandmother the way he was. He seemed to have a deep affection for the witch, so it was kind of nice to see him talk about her without pretending like it didn't matter. They hadn't been married very long, but Savannah had gotten the impression that he would rather act like he didn't care about things than let people on to the fact that he did. It was almost like he thought caring about things made him seem vulnerable. For a while, she thought she had been one of the few people who were an exception to that rule. Now, looking back on things, she wondered if maybe she had just been delusional. She really couldn't be sure, and that had caused her more pain than anything, since she was left wondering if she had done something wrong, or if he was just too emotionally stunted to realize what the word 'marriage' actually meant.

She gnawed at the inside of her cheek, also looking back to the pictures in front of her, watching him shift uncomfortably out of the corner of her eye. While she could have let him stew in the guilt brought on by decisions he had made in the past - because he had made a lot of bad decisions - she was going to try and be the bigger person. "You played well, for the United. I'm sure it made her happy to see you in blue and gold, while it lasted."

When she felt his gaze on her, she turned to look back at him. It was the first time she had really focused in on his face, her eyes meeting his. She remembered how she used to go weak in the knees whenever he looked at her a certain way with those diamond-like eyes of his. That had been back when she still had that ring on her left hand...

The thought was quickly shaken from her head as he turned the topic of conversation onto her. She let out a humorless laugh, reaching up to rub at her brow. How were things going for her? She had to think for a moment before answering, hoping it wouldn't raise suspicions.

"Things are alright," she lied, dropping her hand back down to make eye contact again. "I've actually been looking to get out of Witch Weekly, though. This may come as a shock to you, but I hadn't expected to spend my entire life writing articles about food preferences - though I'll have you know, I did try pitching your cake versus pie concept, but they thought it may cause a lot of controversy." She was joking, of course, trying to make light of how pathetic her recent assignments have been. "I actually have an interview next week." She shrugged as though it were no big deal, though truthfully she was excited about it.

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2013-08-08 06:52 am UTC (link)
"You are better than Witch Weekly deserves." Seth said easily. And it was true, he had read her articles many times and the magazine certainly didn't understand what a resource they had in their hands. He also knew that look on her face, the one where she was skirting the truth and hoping that he didn't notice.

He usually noticed, it was the part where he didn't do anything about it that was one of the many reasons that their relationship didn't work. But this was nice though, having a conversation almost like all the negative between the two of them didn't happen. He didn't want to ruin it by sticking his nose where it no longer belonged, but he really did want to respond by asking if things were truly alright.

"I am sure you will do fantastic. If you can make Witch Weekly remotely readable, every one else should be knocking down doors to have you writing for them." He said instead, hoping to keep the conversation light.

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2013-08-08 08:48 pm UTC (link)
His kind words came as something of a surprise, though she had come to know the difference between him saying something in hopes of being in someone’s good graces, and him actually meaning what he was saying. Savannah had always been able to see the good in Seth, even when he couldn’t see it himself - it was one of the reasons she had agreed to marry him. She knew that deep down, under that arrogant exterior, he wasn’t a bad guy. He just made a lot of bad choices. Once upon a time, she had thought that maybe she could be a good influence on him - that maybe she could try and act as his conscience, since he was just so damn impulsive. Being a Ravenclaw, Sav had always been one to think things through; as a matter of fact, marrying Seth was probably one of the most impulsive things she had ever done in her life. She hadn’t even regretted it until it began to feel like she was sharing a bed with a stranger, and not the man who was supposed to be her husband.

He had made her feel like a fool, and it had taken a long time for her to be able to move on from that. She still felt a certain ache whenever she was around him, though - he was the future she wanted, had, and lost. It was hard to get past that.

“I hope so,” she said, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. She went quiet for a bit, and was then overcome with the urge to tell him more about the upcoming interview. She had yet to tell anyone about it, seeing how she had only just found out about it a day ago. Her first instinct had been to tell Geoff, but she hadn’t seen him since they had gotten into the fight that compelled them to take a break.

“It’s with the WWN,” she finally spat out, and turned to look over at him. She looked nervous just talking about the interview. “I know I’m more than qualified as a writer, but it’s the public speaking bit that has me a bit rattled.”

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2013-08-01 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Keeper was the one position that Thomas was not keen on. He hadn't had much practice in it since Hogwarts, and when he took his own Keeper's spot while she was on break, the rest of the team would wail on him without remorse. He flew with a pretty intense pack of women.

So, when he and Rose had somehow ended up playing Keepers for a miniature Q.U.A.I.L. match (and it was honestly miniature, as the children were at most six years old), it had taken Thomas a few minutes to realize that he did not have to perform at his best, but was allowed simply to have fun. He didn't deal with children often! He was ten when his niece was born and spent most of her childhood in Hogwarts, but the little ones were telling such peculiar tales that Thomas couldn't help but find himself behaving in just as silly of a manner.

Goals flew by him and were even helped along with a quick tap of his broomstick, and soon there was a celebration of cupcakes and apple juice. Thomas, never one to miss a cupcake, walked up to Rose, taking a large bite out of his dessert.

"I would be a terrible little league coach," he admitted, shaking his head. Even though he'd played to entertain the kids, he had been unable to stop his wincing at how very, very badly they all were on their brooms. "They'd have to kick me off the pitch, I think."

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2013-08-02 03:44 am UTC (link)
While Cole Rookwood would always and forever be her number one little person, these children Rose had the delight of interacting with were quite steadily becoming her second, third, and fourth favorites. They were collectively adorable, undoubtably well-behaved, and at the times of fleeting competition, completely precious. It was a nice departure from the cut-throat style of match play she had become accustomed to after the years. To see children simply laughing and tumbling about with no real plan in mind, lightened Rose's heart and she found herself twirling and playing along with her 'team' to the point where she had forgotten a 'match' had been going on at all.

No score was kept, so that was rather alright, she decided as she sipped from one of the tiny juice boxes. The children she had been sitting with had long returned to their parents (with souvenirs!), leaving Rose to sit lonesome at her tiny table in her tiny chair. Her butt had long gone numb, and her knees and elbows were jammed so hard into each other that she was fairly certain she would be stuck like this for a very long time.

At least it was a nice day out.

Rose had just been contemplating how much she wanted a cupcake from the platter in the center of the table when Thomas approached. Lacing her fingers together in her lap, she squinted up at him with relative ease. It was only so easy to forget the budding guilt she felt building within her concerning Thomas and important life developments of hers gone unshared, especially with Kendall dropping some not so subtle hints as of late. Or, what she assumed he thought of as hint. More like verbal bludgers if you asked her. But nonetheless it still weighed on her every time she took in Thomas' face.

"We all have our strengths," she teased, a sly smile forming on her face as she spoke. Rose gestured to the minute seat beside her, hoping for a couple moments of quiet time with Thomas. Regardless of her internal struggle, she would never pass up quality time with him.

"Sit with me, won't you?"

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2013-08-11 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Thomas eyed the small chair with amusement. "I think I'd get stuck."

He decided that sitting on the floor beside Rose would be fine, and he sat with his legs stretched out in front of him, watching the children run and shriek and grab whatever sugary confection they could get their hands on. Children always either confused or amused him, and today they were most definitely behaving on the delightful side. One had even told him that he, Thomas, was his favorite player! Him. He was some kid's favorite player! Sure, his agent spoke of jersey sales and action figure production, but to have a little kid who was just learning how to ride his broom tell him that he was the reason he liked quidditch...it gave Thomas a sense of meaning that he felt like he'd been missing.

"I want to have kids," he said, nodding to himself. It had been something he'd never had a final answer to when probed by his parents, sister, or friends, but after today, after the past few months of dealing with his own...well mortality if he wanted to be morbid, it actually felt like an final answer to the question he'd always been asked. He looked over at Rose, tilting his chin up. "Soon, I think."

"I suppose I've got to get on about finding the right girl then," he said, eyebrows high in amusement. He waited for Rose's reaction, as it was sure to be a good one.

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2013-08-11 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Soon?" she echoed, finding the genuine surprise coursing through her wouldn't allow for much else of a response. Rose's eyes widened slightly, and her mouth dropped open just a bit to look at Thomas openly. A few moments of staring confirmed that yes, he was, in fact serious, which meant... she blinked quickly, hoping it would help dissolve and hide her undoubtably laughable, and revealing face.

"You've changed your mind about it?" Her elbows had already been resting on her knees, so it was a natural, easy motion to bring her hands up so her chin could lay in her palms. Squinting, Rose went back to watching Thomas carefully, intent on missing nothing during this potential... (breakthrough? Emotional?) topic choice.

There shouldn't be anything to worry about, should there? While she was happy to hear Thomas talk about things in the future, the topic of children had always been one of disinterest for him. So for him to have changed his mind so suddenly... no, no. It meant progress, it meant leaving the last couple of months behind, it meant... good things.

The smallest of smiles appeared on her lips. "A girl might be helpful."

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2013-08-05 03:20 am UTC (link)
Honestly, Michal was so dramatic sometimes Larkin had no idea how he had made it this far through life. It was just a broom, of which he owned many under the occupation of professional quidditch player, so why such the fit was necessary after he figured out she had she procured one of his brooms was beyond her. She handled priceless artifacts as a living, only made money when they were delivered safely, what did he think was going to happen?

The fact that there was now the tiniest of cracks on the broom's handle when there hadn't been before was irrelevant. It still flew just as fine, she flew just fine (as Coach Flint had so observantly stated), so there was no reason to alert Michal and give him another reason to get his pants all in a bunch.

Even though he deserved it. Severely.

Larkin let out a silent sigh, gazing over the room in front of her. It was large, as it had to be for all the hustle going on within. Reporters doing interviews, famous people talking about their lives... it was all very exciting, and she, for one, was happy to take a break from it and roam around a bit. Except every was a bit busy, except for...

"I haven't met you yet." Larkin stopped in front of the Falcons player standing off to the side. He wasn't Vinny Gudgeon or Howell Williams, both of whom she had so been hoping to run into to see how their lives post Turkish jail were fairing. But Michal had said they wouldn't be at this event, so one of his other teammates would have to do in the meantime.

"You're one of Michal's teammates." Larkin paused, for a moment, looking the wizard before her over. He wasn't so hard on the eyes. She smiled, and pointed to her pass that clearly indicated her 'celebrity match' status. "Larkin Whitby."

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2013-08-09 10:37 pm UTC (link)

The whole idea of the tournament wrankled against William's feelings about quidditch and really, being on a team full of mothers and celebrity babies didn't set him in a good mood. The thought of losing made him even moodier and the fact that he was waiting around for his brother set him into what his teammates might call a sulk, but William preferred it as solo contemplation.

Still wearing most of his gear and leaning against the nearest table, he avoided most reporters with a slight glare and a roll of his eyes. His manager was off trying to drum up some sort of interview that William would probably sleep his way through, but for now he was given a reprieve from the roving reporters of yet. Until someone approached him, although it wasn't an uncommon thing to have reporters on the celebrity teams, one that didn't know his name was sort of laughable. "William Bexley. No comment."

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2013-08-11 04:02 am UTC (link)
Her smile dropped, and Larkin gave an irritated flick to her name tag before dropping her hands to her sides. Wasn't that one of the ruder brushoffs she'd experienced in a while. And for what, exactly? Perhaps because the likes of Seth and Michal, she had forgotten where Falmouth got its notorious reputation. Not that those two were better on most days, but at least they possessed some common courtesy.

"You can't comment on who your teammates are?" she retorted, the skepticism running deep through her tone. It was obvious he was on the Falcons-- he was wearing their bloody equipment. And had been announced as such during the game. Now who she remembered who he was: William Bexley, the other team's Michal Conway.

The other losing team.

Not that it really mattered, she really could care less about the shiny trophy that would soon be sitting on her shelf. She might have to dull it up a bit so Lorenzo wouldn't have a field day over it, but that was a small price to pay for eternal pride.

"Didn't realize that was such a difficult wonder to address." Larkin rolled her eyes slightly, crossing her arms over her chest in the meanwhile. And they puzzled over why quidditch players were stereotyped with dull wit.

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