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s f м ([info]mullets) wrote in [info]valesco,
Howell's simple touch simmered her uncontrollable heaving and excessive nodding somewhat, though he hadn't needed to touch her face to quiet her if he had been planning on saying what he just uttered the whole time.

Her eyes batted long, wide blinks in his gentle hold, and her face felt hot in spite the trickling streams of water down her cheeks. That was no matter, though, none of that mattered now, not this ridiculous quidditch match, her previous thoughts of wanting him to spend less time at her house, the fact that she was, once again, crying her eyes out in front of him. None of that was relevant anymore. Everything had changed, it was all different now, she couldn't help but conclude as the most easing releases of relief filled her to the brim. Shifting in the grass, Saoirse moved to rest on her tired knees and kneel before him.

It would not be enough to simply explain her tears were from happiness, her sniffling from a release of pure joy, the word didn't even begin to express the feelings roaring through her every fiber at this moment. It wasn't enough, it didn't encompass... all of the sudden, Saoirse emitted the smallest, most delicate of laughs. He didn't already know? She had always felt he much more aware of things like this than her.

The hand that was not currently locked within his rose to smoothly prickle against his jawline, and she would have kept it there if not for her deep need for something to hold on tight to during her next few words. Both his hands now in hers, Saoirse rested them in her lap.

"Because I'm in love with you," she said earnestly, the tinniest hint of shyness present in her voice. Should she go on to explain how much she knew this would mean to him? No, no, she was barely keeping herself together at the indirect mention of how much she meant to him. "I want to meet your family." Saoirse's head tilted slightly as she spoke, a timid smile peaking through her tired, tear-stained face.

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