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the steady howell b. williams ([info]howl) wrote in [info]valesco,
His heart thumped considerably as she nestled closer, as it always did when she was free with her affection with him, but other than the small smile tugging up one corner of his lips, he merely stroked his thumb along her hand and lay his cheek on the top of her head.

"No," Howell said with a little laugh, "although that is true." He looked down at their hands and slowed his thumb as he spoke again. "I was thinking about how long it's been since I visited my family."

That Howell loved and adored his little brother and sister was no secret – although he spoke neither openly or constantly about them, those close to him were well aware of the almost-paternal affection he had for the little Williamses. All the decisions about his career had been made with them in mind, after all… if he hadn't been able to provide for his family by playing Quidditch, Howell never would have pursued it. Then there was his mother, of course, the woman who had struggled to navigate the weird world of which her eldest son was a part, a world she would never understand, but bless her heart, did her best with. The woman who had to raise two young children essentially alone, unsupported until her son managed to catch a lucky break.

He looked down at her, the moonlight slanting through the beams illuminating a face that managed to be both delicate and radiate strength at the same time, and thought how badly he wanted to share them with Saoirse, and Saoirse with them. Pressing a kiss to her hair, he said, "I was thinking that, when the season is over, perhaps you would like to come with me to meet them."

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