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Otto Bagman ([info]ottothisworld) wrote in [info]valesco,
Otto had to smirk at her reaction to her team's loss, imagining all the dirty looks she was probably shooting at the Gryffindors as they walked down the streets. In his experience, every house in Hogwarts had 'house pride', but Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were better at accepting defeat than the snakes and the lions. Not to say there weren't those who got all up in arms about losing, because there were, but Otto had never let losing a game get the better of him back when he used to play for the school. He did miss it sometimes though, especially whenever he saw Ludo zooming around, the captain of a professional team.

"Happens to the best of us," he said with another smile, finding it funny that she was actually admitting to trying to manipulate him. When she mentioned the four-year-olds that were standing outside, he had to narrow his eyes suspiciously, looking out the storefront window before turning back to her.

"You know, part of me has to wonder if these kids actually exist, or if you're severely underplaying your skills of manipulation." He was only partially joking, but he was amused by the idea of her being so desperate that she was willing to tell him just about anything to get the candy he was holding.

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