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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Pah," Therese said, waving a hand, "I do not wish to speak of it." She'd worked with quidditch players for years now, but it was only until recently that she really followed and cared for the sport. Her Slytherin pride was in full force during the parts of the match she stayed in, if only to get a rise out of Sebastian, who looked ready to keel over at any minute. It did not help that her most recent ex was a dumb and rowdy Gryffindor, so Therese had been quite sour when Gryffindor came out on top.

But, back to the present, and to the task at hand. The time for games was done, and she leaned into the shelving.

"My skills manipulation seem to be a bit off today, I blame the Slytherin loss" she admitted, though defeat was still out of the question. "There's a pair of four-year-olds outside that I really would like to impress, and that taffy is my ticket to becoming the best Auntie in the whole world."

Therese smiled widely again, batting her eyes and now standing straight. "Surely there is another sweet you could be tempted with?"

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