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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
Delilah hummed, a small smile gracing her lips. He may not have meant it in such a serious way, but when she actually thought about it, Delilah couldn't think of a time when he did. Not when it counted. Something about the thought made her feel --fluttery. She wasn't quite sure she like the feeling at all.

"Well," She started ignoring the weird, "are we counting the time you refused to sneak out of the castle to go for a midnight swim with me? Because that was a pretty big let down. I don't know if I told you at the time, but it was." She did her best to keep a straight face, maybe even pout a little, but it didn't last long before her lips started to curl up.

Generally a bad idea to make a wager only knowing what would happen if you lost, but what was the worst that could happen? Funny how one of the people she trusted most was a Slytherin. She was sure there was some not so secret Gryffindor rule that this was not allowed. "I suppose I'll accept your vague terms despite this."

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