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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
For the first time, Therese could be honest, she was feeling very excited about being a Hogwarts student, a former one. She wore her Slytherin ribbons with pride, alongside Mackenzie and her children (when Sebastian wasn't charming their clothes into a gaudy combination of scarlet and gold!) as they moved leisurely through Hogsmeade. For her entire Hogwarts career Therese had felt like she did not belong there, but now that she was far removed from the castle, she missed the feeling of being part of the Slytherin community.

She excused herself as Sebastian attempted to wipe the green face paint off of Anthony's cheeks, making her way to Honeydukes. Maybe if she brought back some candy, she'd be able to resolve the tension; Gryffindors were suckers for candy, of course.

The bell rang and the store was, as predicted, crowded. Therese squeezed by a gaggle of customers and managed to find a relatively empty section. Relatively, because there was one bloke who had in his hand what seemed to be the last box of salt water taffy. Therese bristled; didn't he know that was exactly what she'd come in here for. Feeling bold, which may be caused by her surge of Slytherin pride, she moved past the bloke and said idly over her shoulder,

"Salt water taffy? Hm." Therese's eyes fluttered and she shrugged, eyeing the pepper imps on the adjacent shelf.

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