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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
Adrian turned to Maggie, watching her curiously for a moment. Had he enjoyed Hogwarts? Well, of course he had, he and Tony had more than see to that . And Carys, he couldn't forget Carys. And--- well. There had been some not-so-enjoyable parts as well, he supposed. Adrian frowned, slightly, thinking to how he had struggled with English for a good deal of his younger years, and then when fifth year had come around...

He cleared his throat, swallowing before speaking. "I found out about my father fifth year," Adrian began calmly, surprisingly lightly. The whole thing was many years removed now (was it ten?), and his relationship with Odette had definitely never been better, so perhaps that was why he could so easily speak about a time in his life that was most definitely not his brightest.

"It made things complicated." He thought for a second, then added, "With Odette. I was not a very nice wizard." Adrian clutched Maggie's hand a bit tighter, not because he felt uncomfortable, but because it was occurring to him that this was one of the few, if not the first times, he had openly spoken about that time in his life to her. It was strange to think that during all of that, she was here at Hogwarts as well, living a completely separate life despite sleeping int he same tower everynight. "I did not leave Hogwarts with many friends. But I am glad to have come here." Adrian nodded his head curtly , a physical manifestation of truly believing so.

"I am sure Hogwarts was much better for you."

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