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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
Who cared if there was anything in it for him if she dueled. That was the whole point of a wager. To get something you wanted the other person wasn't willing to give up. And Delilah desperately wanted to get back to dueling. To do anything, really, other than wander around bored out of her mind. Delilah huffed, Henry was going to be boring too. Well it did always take a bit of wheedling to get him to agree.

She sat up sharply as Henry continued on. She almost wanted to look behind her to see if there was someone else he was talking to. Yes, she has successfully watched Alicia on multiple occasions, and on the rare occasion the day was ending in tears, they were usually hers. "I don't have a baby for you to watch." She said dumbly, because there was no way Henry was suggesting that she watch Bran if Gryffindor lost. Her heart raced slightly just at the thought he would trust her with his son. It really meant a lot to her, even if it was a crazy idea.

She could do it though. She would probably do it without a bet, if Henry asked. Surely she couldn't be any worse than his brother. If Seth Wadcock could raise a child relatively unharmed, she could manage watching one for a few hours. Her competitive streak flaring up, she recovered. "I mean Alicia doesn't seem to mind when she gets to spend a day with me, but what's in it for me, are you gonna let me duel? This is the more important end after all," she teased. "Without you playing there is no reason for Gryffindor to lose."

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