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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
Henry's eyes had dropped down to the table at her initial compliment, so he had no idea that Delilah had been staring. It felt strange to hear himself be called handsome, even though it was common place for Delilah to make inappropriate comments. Their whole relationship seemed to be an inappropriate comment, and she had not stopped with the friendly, teasing flirting even when he was seeing someone, when he had been engaged. So why it now was embarrassing and strange to hear, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that it kept his eyes down cast until she wagered her bet.

His gaze rose to meet hers, eyebrows high. Now, now. Slytherin was full of quidditch women who didn't get to represent their team in school and now had a second chance at showing the rather elitist House was was clearly the best. Did she really think that the likes of Mullet, Troy, and Boot were going to allow some mangy Gryffindors to win?

Henry kept the trash talk to himself, slowly stirring the straw in his glass. "There's really nothing in it for me if you duel next week when you're not completely healed. Quite the opposite, actually."

He mused silently, knowing that now that the idea of a bet was on the table, Delilah was not going to let it drop.

"How are your baby sitting skills?"

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