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Andrea "Drea" Johnson ([info]feminist) wrote in [info]valesco,
Drea grinned wickedly. "Keep up the talk and I'm sure we can sort out something for you," she told him, punctuating the comment with a kiss. She had to think on it, but was fairly sure there was still a skirt tucked away somewhere in her old school trunk. She used her hands on his jacket, now moving them up to chest level, to pull him closer and settle into a very thorough snog.

Eventually she pulled away breathlessly. "I don't know if I ever had difficulty finding places to snog back in school, maybe you just weren't looking in the proper spots," she said finally. Drea was acutely aware of how little time they had to experience this. And how important it was that they didn't push the public envelope, and how important it was to not rush into something that Cho could see because--well, she understood the reasons and the implications of what would happen if she got too close too quickly and Cho got attached. But for now, there was nothing wrong with stolen kisses in the kitchen or living room while Cho was occupied, spending extra time with her niece and nephews and arranging play dates as a thinly veiled excuse to be around him so often.

But Merlin, did she ever want this stolen moment in an alley with him. For someone who moved so quickly so often, the caterpillar slowness of their intimacy was driving her mental.

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