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galvin g. gudgeon ([info]galvinized) wrote in [info]valesco,
Her sweet expression in turn made him smile, which seemed to be the norm when the two were together. Just constant bouts of happiness that only seemed to occur when within the presence of Gleny. It had always been that way, Vinny mused as he nodded in agreement that it was indeed cold. She was one of his best friends (even silently he could not risk the chance of Derek hearing he may have competition or else result in injury to himself) and Gleny always knew what to do or say in every situation, good or bad.

Unfortunately, for the past few years, there had been more bad than good, but they were slowly creating more and more, small and sweet, good moments. Vinny was glad for it, he was excited by it, and he was desperate to keep it moving at the delicate pace it was because he couldn't see it going bad, so why rush such a thing?

His arm slipped around Glenda's shoulders, holding her to him discreetly, but close enough to feel her warmth. "Better?"

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