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h o l l y ([info]hollyharpie) wrote in [info]valesco,
All right, so this really wasn't her type of party, but Holly had arrived early with her teammates and their dates, and it was certainly easy to have taken more than her normal amount of drinks when it was just the Arrows crew, especially without Thomas around. So when the party started growing, exponetially so by the minute, the drinks just kept coming and who was Holly to say no, hm?


"Where is my husband!" she asked/shouted/announced, standing up abruptly from the game of exploding snaps Felicia had started (knowing it was dangerous when there was alcohol involved). Holly stared around on the tips of her toes to try and find her husband, and sure enough he was sticking out like a sore thumb. He was being a good sport, though she was sure he had expected her to want to escape from the party in under five minutes.

She let her teammates know that she would be back, and then proceeded to push herself through the crowd and towards Theo. A sly smile slid on her face and she stopped about a foot in front of him.

"Why so glum?" she asked, knowing precisely the reason.

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