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galvin g. gudgeon ([info]galvinized) wrote in [info]valesco,
Vinny had heard from Michal, who heard from Howell, who heard from...he was going to assume his girlfriend, Saoirse, who had been the only one actually invited to this party. It was evident by the quickly dwindling lack of supplies that this party had gone over capacity within the first half an hour, but the guests seemed to be taking care of themselves. Vinny was sure that the hosts, who he had heard were rumored to be just some normal, non-quidditch blokes who owned the small flat they'd entered through, had not paid out of pocket for the sparkling and sparking pink watermelon drinks that Vinny currently held in his hand. Those types of liquid delights were only found at the best of parties, and Vinny had made sure to get in line for it.

"Here you go," he said with a small smile, handing the glass to Glenda. He was glad they'd managed to find a somewhat empty spot on the roof, as he did not like the idea of her getting bumped around and into. Vinny leaned against the edge, looking out and at the London skyline. Even if it was in the distance, it was still a nice sight. He turned back to Gleny, letting his free arm drape behind her along the edge, "Having fun?"

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