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rian ([info]happydays) wrote in [info]valesco,

When one wanted ice cream, there was only one place to go and that was Fortescue's. There really wasn't a great place to get the best ice cream in London, let alone the magical world. The only problem was trying to time his cravings and appeasing his sweet tooth with the owner's schedule so that the father of his ex-girlfriend was not at the front. It had taken Rian a few tries to get it set up properly, not that he was trying to avoid the man for any bad reason. He just wanted to avoid that knowing, almost pity filled look that took upon the man's face when he ordered his double scoop of the daily special.

He wasn't eating through his feelings, he really wasn't. He just liked ice cream. Mostly, he wasn't.

When he walked by the store window the coast seemed clear enough that Rian was surprised to see a lack of just about anyone in the store. It wasn't quite warm enough to drag out the early afternoon spring ice cream eaters, but he could dig into a specialty at just about any point of the year.

He certainly wasn't expecting to see Liz pop up from behind the counter and greet him like a normal store clerk. Her question registered and his mind helpfully supplied that seeing her was enough to make him smile - causing a light blush to rise on his neck and ear tips - but he just offered her a polite smile and turned to look at the flavors instead of making eye contact.

"Uh, yeah hey. Sorry, I wasn't - I'm not stalking you. I just. Ice cream," he stammered, pulling one hand out of his pocket and indicating the display in front of him. "I yeah. I can go if you want? Or not. How are you doing?" he asked, finally looking up at her and trying to control the awkward and conflicting emotions that were battling for dominance.

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