Oh, there was plenty of room for Henry to argue. He watched Seth continue to pick up the mess with narrowed eyes, the simmer of his soon to be boiling blood causing his face to heat up rapidly. Had his brother truly just compared his once immature, boorish ways of living to the devastated and depressed state Henry was currently battling? Did Seth really think that this was something he didn't know was wrong? Henry's arms remained crossed as his breathing became heavier, his eyes never unlocking from his brother's seemingly unnerved actions.
Did his brother really expect him to be---to be able to handle himself in the offices, did he really trust him to negotiate contracts, business transactions, appointments, when his mind was in such a delicate state? Did Seth really---Henry was aware that he wasn't capable, he had moved his responsibilities at work over to other agents, his assistant was handling things, it was the bloody off season, how much was he supposed to be worried about? And now, his brother came in here, barely a month after his fiancee had been taken from him, telling him that he needed to make some sort of effort?
Effort. On barely four hours of sleep because his son couldn't get through the night without his mother. He wanted effort when the media continued to play up the tragic story of the virus victims to sell more magazines. Seth needed Henry to show some effort, because he couldn't handle his career on his own without someone to holding his hand and guiding him.
"Don't tell me how I feel, Seth," he growled after a long, heavy silence. Henry pushed himself away from the counter and pulled out his wand, sending the clothes that Seth had picked up shooting away from him and up the stairs. He didn't need his help, especially not when it seemed like Seth thought Henry didn't know about the burden he had resting on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry Heidi's death has inconvenienced you and the rest of my clients, I'll be sure to send an apologetic fruit basket to make amends," Henry snapped viciously. He jabbed his wand toward the door, causing it to burst open as he was now unwilling to listen to his brother give him anymore of what he thought was sound, helpful advice, "You can leave, now."
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