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t h o m a s ➽ mccormack ([info]thomases) wrote in [info]valesco,
He nodded quickly, maintaining his downward gaze as he gripped Rose's hand tightly. Thomas couldn't--the squibs hadn't done anything worse than what they'd done last time, they hadn't managed to block his magic, but Thomas felt just as shaken. They'd invaded his privacy so deeply, they knew things from his personal life that he'd never had thought could be used against him in such a way. His friendship with Kendall, his feelings for Rose, it---Thomas had never felt such vulnerability and it startled him to the core. If anything had happened to Rose because of him, if anything ever happened to her---

Ungracefully, Thomas pulled Rose toward him to throw his arms around her in as strong of an embrace as he could manage. The fear of losing her engulfed her once again and Thomas let out some heavy breaths to try and maintain his composure. He didn't know what he would do with his life without Rose in it, she'd been there since day one, his first moments in Hogwarts and she was by his side through everything since, it---he didn't know how to truly function without Rose Knightley.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he let out hoarsely, revealing his true fears. Their escape had gone smoothly, but what if their captors had reacted too quickly? What if they'd gone after their loved ones because he and Saoirse managed to make a getaway? When he'd awoken the first thing he'd asked was if they were all right, if Rose was---Thomas shut his eyes, unsure if he could let her go.

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