Saoirse frowned, not exactly liking Thomas' answer, but accepting it all the same. There wasn't much that could be done about it, and, truly, if she thought about it, would that be the worst thing to happen to her in the past few days? No, not really. They now both had control of magic back, something special that these people did not have, so she was grateful to have the easy way out of this nightmare.
Moving her arm to clutch Thomas tighter, they both experienced the tight squeezing sensation of disapparating until it was no more, and a new view came to their eyes. She had thought, with his condition, that going to Mungo's would be the best option. The Ministry, maybe, a steady second, to ensure that they would once and for all catch and put to rest these mad people, but there was always enough time for that when you could instantly appear and disappear in different places. Nonetheless, her concern mounted with Thomas' life at stake, so it was with relief upon seeing the reception desk.
But the room was busy, and there were many people running about that it seemed no one had quite taken notice of their arrival. Struggling under the weight Thomas' unconscious, Saoirse felt the adrenaline of survival slowly began to drain from her veins. And, before she could do much else, let alone get anyone's attention, her knees buckled, and down to the ground she and Thomas went.
The back of her head erupted in a sharp pain, her elbows as well, but the exhaustion of eating and sleeping little over the past few days, in addition to smacking to the tiled floor, promptly stripped her of all consciousness. But, at least, she thought dimly as sight turned black, they had made it.
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