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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-03-20 16:46:00

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Entry tags:kendall broadmoor, rose knightley

Honestly Kendall should have just gone back to his place, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He’d practically had been living with Thomas since he moved in his new place. He couldn’t leave with the possibility that Thomas would come back to a empty house, that wasn’t that way when he left. If he abandoned the house, if felt like he would be abandoning his friend.

Except now Rose somehow managed to get back into the country, which he was grateful for, he really was, but it was strange letting her into Thomas’ home without him there to show it off himself. He was so proud of his new house. Would have been happy to have Rose over had she been in the country.

She had been back barely a day before Kendall had snuck out back to go sit on the dock by the lake. He should be helping Thomas build a practice pitch right now, not fighting the urge to snap at Rose for things that weren’t entirely her fault. It was great that she was back, he would be going crazy sitting here alone, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he would be going a little less crazy with her constant questions. Of course she cared now, where was she when Thomas moved, or when Kendall was traded, which he still hadn’t told her about. Clean disappeared for months and now suddenly back, he wasn’t use to her being constantly around anymore.

He looked up hearing footsteps behind him. It didn’t take her very long to track him down. “Hey,” he said quietly turning his gaze back to the water, “Just needed some fresh air.”

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2013-03-22 12:51 am UTC (link)
Rose pushed her mouth into her knees, preparing for the worst with Kendall's first slip. She knew he was going to be upset, with emotions running high, how could he not be? They all were, with what was happening to Thomas creating even a deeper burn the second time around. At first, she had thought, while stuck in Egypt, that if she hadn't been away and returned home like planned, then maybe this wouldn't be happening, or maybe she could've stopped it, but that wasn't.... she couldn't think like that. Nothing could have stopped these people from doing what they were doing, and coming to that realization had been her anchor for the past two days.

So she was surprised, enough that one of her brows rose up, when Kendall a few beats later apologized. And then, apologized further, to the point where she almost felt uncomfortable. He was opening the door to territory Rose knew they both hadn't fully recovered from, and while she had thought new Rose could handle anything, this might not fall under that category.

She bit her lip, pressing her nose into the crook between her knees as she thought of the best way to respond. Perhaps not doing so at all? Rose quickly decided against that, or at least doing that fully, in fear of forcing Kendall to think she was brushing him off.

"We don't have to talk about this now, Kendall. I'm fine, and there are a lot of other things going on..." Rose trailed off, unsure of what else to add. "It's fine."

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2013-03-22 01:39 am UTC (link)
"It is not fine. You disappeared for months, Rose. That is not remotely fine." Kendall insisted.

He took a deep breath through his nose pursing his lips. This is what they did. One said sorry, the other said it's fine yet they never really discussed what the problem was in the first place. Leaving it to fester for another day, just waiting for the next thing to pile on top. One day it was going to get to the point when sorry wasn't going to cut it. They wouldn't be able to fix it.

Kendall could already pick out the next piece of information that could prove to be a spark to the volatile potion they were brewing between the two of them.

"There are always a lot of things going on. What if-- What if its just the two of us? If anything else, it makes it more important that we fix this now. Do you really want to leave it for another day? Let it simmer just a little longer until it gets to a point where we can't fix it?"

He wrung his hands tearing his gaze from Rose to stare at the sun that was starting to set. It was a noble idea, fixing things, but Kendall had no idea where to go from here. There were only so many times he could apologize.

"I am sort of seeing Nona Pepper." He said suddenly, except this time he didn't regret it. "Since Istanbul? I didn't know who she was when we started talking, but that doesn't really matter. The point is, you should know. Fixing things means not hiding things from each other anymore, right?"

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2013-03-22 11:56 pm UTC (link)
She pressed her face further into her knees, mentally, and perhaps a bit physically, hunkering herself down for what was quickly and obviously looking like Kendall's excess emotions and anxieties manifesting themselves in verbal form. And that was fine, Rose understood that Kendall felt stressed, more than stressed with Thomas' current unknown whereabouts, so if he wanted to vent about her very different, but nonetheless still absence for the past month and a half, then so be it.

But his words surprised her, their inappropriateness stinging deep. "Kendall!," Rose let out, so alarmed by what he said that she popped up from her curled form. 'What if its just the two of us?' She pulled her chin back in frank disapproval, wondering how in the world he could even think like that.

Rpse began to shake her head from side to side, feeling a strength stur within her. Now was not the time to be talking like this, like there was some irreparable rift between them. They were just... times had be rough, every friendship went through rough patches, but to suggest... where she had been going with that thought, Rose promptly dropped, as all thoughts of her immediately cut short at his last reveal.

He was 'sort of' seeing Nona Pepper?

Rose stared openly, blankly, wide-eyed at Kendall as she began to process this new piece of information, but it never.... really.... she brought her hands to her head, covering her eyes with her palms for a few brief moments. After a few silent moments, she responded.

"I don't have the capacity to be dealing with this right now," her voice came out heavy, as her thoughts were burdened with distraction, and pain. But she couldn't... she wouldn't... running her hands down to her mouth, Rose without warning stood up and took a few steps with the intent of retreating back to the house. But, something of a deep anger consumed her, and not for reasons she would have ever thought.

"Hiding things?" she echoed, after a few uncomfortable beats. Rose rounded on Kendall, her face contorted into that of almost fury.

"That's why you're telling me this, so we're not hiding things from each other?" What in the bloody world did he think she was hiding from him?! Because, surely, he was not saying this purely out of the benefit of his good heart. Her mood soured further, and for the first time since her arrival home, Rose lost control of her manner and emotions.

"Thomas is missing but you find it necessary to bring up that you're dating Octavius' sister so we can be closer?" She looked at him, dumbstruck, truly unable to understand why he would think this appropriate. Anything, any part of it. "Why? Why would you think-- why?"

Her hands balled into fists, as her nostrils flared, and a deep feeling of insult to her, which then spread to feeling insult for Thomas, and frankly for Nona Pepper herself, as her presence was being thrown about in such a manner during a time like this. She bent down, slightly, to level herself closer with Kendall, speaking coldly. He had stepped out of line.

"Don't you think, maybe, that's a bit inappropriate information to be bringing up, now of all times? Thomas is gone, Kendall, we have no idea where he is, or what's happening to him, and you want me to spend even a second thinking about your who-knows-what kind of relationship with my ex's sister?"

Her face formed into almost disgusted confusion. "What is the matter with you?!"

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2013-03-23 01:39 am UTC (link)
Kendall sat there in stunned silence as Rose went off on him. He had expected her to be angry, but this. His face set into a hard frown at the disgusted look on her face. He didn't deserve this. He was just trying to make an effort.

"What's the matter with me?" Kendall repeated keeping his tone level. "Yes Thomas is missing, but what can we do about it? Nothing. We can't do a damn thing. I know, because I have tried. You weren't here for that, but let me assure you there was yelling and irrational threats. We can sit on this damn dock and stare into the sun while think about the what ifs could ofs should ofs. Sit here and let it consume us. That is what is left for us to do."

He took a breath, so highly offended that Rose was suggesting he didn't care. That he was spending all his time day dreaming about Nona. He wasn't, it was a passing thought. Something he clearly didn't think through. "You know who else is missing? Saoirse. Kidnapped right along with Thomas. She happens to be Nona's best friend and roommate. So yea, I would think about her at a time like this, because I care. She is going through the same thing we are. Excuse me."

He shook his head as he stood up from where he was sitting. This had escalated enough. "Thomas is gone. I can not even begin to express how that makes me feel. Just because I share something with you does not change that. You've been gone for two months Rose. Two damn months without a single word. You missed a lot of things. I could list them for you, but I'm sure it would be inappropriate."

He shoved his hands into his pockets turning away from Rose. He couldn't do this. Not now. What ever she thought he had meant by telling her that was so far from his intent he didn't even know where to start in correcting it. He started back towards the house, knowing if he stayed he would say something he surely regret. Obviously their friendship was not a level he had thought it was.

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