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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
Kendall sat there in stunned silence as Rose went off on him. He had expected her to be angry, but this. His face set into a hard frown at the disgusted look on her face. He didn't deserve this. He was just trying to make an effort.

"What's the matter with me?" Kendall repeated keeping his tone level. "Yes Thomas is missing, but what can we do about it? Nothing. We can't do a damn thing. I know, because I have tried. You weren't here for that, but let me assure you there was yelling and irrational threats. We can sit on this damn dock and stare into the sun while think about the what ifs could ofs should ofs. Sit here and let it consume us. That is what is left for us to do."

He took a breath, so highly offended that Rose was suggesting he didn't care. That he was spending all his time day dreaming about Nona. He wasn't, it was a passing thought. Something he clearly didn't think through. "You know who else is missing? Saoirse. Kidnapped right along with Thomas. She happens to be Nona's best friend and roommate. So yea, I would think about her at a time like this, because I care. She is going through the same thing we are. Excuse me."

He shook his head as he stood up from where he was sitting. This had escalated enough. "Thomas is gone. I can not even begin to express how that makes me feel. Just because I share something with you does not change that. You've been gone for two months Rose. Two damn months without a single word. You missed a lot of things. I could list them for you, but I'm sure it would be inappropriate."

He shoved his hands into his pockets turning away from Rose. He couldn't do this. Not now. What ever she thought he had meant by telling her that was so far from his intent he didn't even know where to start in correcting it. He started back towards the house, knowing if he stayed he would say something he surely regret. Obviously their friendship was not a level he had thought it was.

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