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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
She pressed her face further into her knees, mentally, and perhaps a bit physically, hunkering herself down for what was quickly and obviously looking like Kendall's excess emotions and anxieties manifesting themselves in verbal form. And that was fine, Rose understood that Kendall felt stressed, more than stressed with Thomas' current unknown whereabouts, so if he wanted to vent about her very different, but nonetheless still absence for the past month and a half, then so be it.

But his words surprised her, their inappropriateness stinging deep. "Kendall!," Rose let out, so alarmed by what he said that she popped up from her curled form. 'What if its just the two of us?' She pulled her chin back in frank disapproval, wondering how in the world he could even think like that.

Rpse began to shake her head from side to side, feeling a strength stur within her. Now was not the time to be talking like this, like there was some irreparable rift between them. They were just... times had be rough, every friendship went through rough patches, but to suggest... where she had been going with that thought, Rose promptly dropped, as all thoughts of her immediately cut short at his last reveal.

He was 'sort of' seeing Nona Pepper?

Rose stared openly, blankly, wide-eyed at Kendall as she began to process this new piece of information, but it never.... really.... she brought her hands to her head, covering her eyes with her palms for a few brief moments. After a few silent moments, she responded.

"I don't have the capacity to be dealing with this right now," her voice came out heavy, as her thoughts were burdened with distraction, and pain. But she couldn't... she wouldn't... running her hands down to her mouth, Rose without warning stood up and took a few steps with the intent of retreating back to the house. But, something of a deep anger consumed her, and not for reasons she would have ever thought.

"Hiding things?" she echoed, after a few uncomfortable beats. Rose rounded on Kendall, her face contorted into that of almost fury.

"That's why you're telling me this, so we're not hiding things from each other?" What in the bloody world did he think she was hiding from him?! Because, surely, he was not saying this purely out of the benefit of his good heart. Her mood soured further, and for the first time since her arrival home, Rose lost control of her manner and emotions.

"Thomas is missing but you find it necessary to bring up that you're dating Octavius' sister so we can be closer?" She looked at him, dumbstruck, truly unable to understand why he would think this appropriate. Anything, any part of it. "Why? Why would you think-- why?"

Her hands balled into fists, as her nostrils flared, and a deep feeling of insult to her, which then spread to feeling insult for Thomas, and frankly for Nona Pepper herself, as her presence was being thrown about in such a manner during a time like this. She bent down, slightly, to level herself closer with Kendall, speaking coldly. He had stepped out of line.

"Don't you think, maybe, that's a bit inappropriate information to be bringing up, now of all times? Thomas is gone, Kendall, we have no idea where he is, or what's happening to him, and you want me to spend even a second thinking about your who-knows-what kind of relationship with my ex's sister?"

Her face formed into almost disgusted confusion. "What is the matter with you?!"

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