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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
"It is not fine. You disappeared for months, Rose. That is not remotely fine." Kendall insisted.

He took a deep breath through his nose pursing his lips. This is what they did. One said sorry, the other said it's fine yet they never really discussed what the problem was in the first place. Leaving it to fester for another day, just waiting for the next thing to pile on top. One day it was going to get to the point when sorry wasn't going to cut it. They wouldn't be able to fix it.

Kendall could already pick out the next piece of information that could prove to be a spark to the volatile potion they were brewing between the two of them.

"There are always a lot of things going on. What if-- What if its just the two of us? If anything else, it makes it more important that we fix this now. Do you really want to leave it for another day? Let it simmer just a little longer until it gets to a point where we can't fix it?"

He wrung his hands tearing his gaze from Rose to stare at the sun that was starting to set. It was a noble idea, fixing things, but Kendall had no idea where to go from here. There were only so many times he could apologize.

"I am sort of seeing Nona Pepper." He said suddenly, except this time he didn't regret it. "Since Istanbul? I didn't know who she was when we started talking, but that doesn't really matter. The point is, you should know. Fixing things means not hiding things from each other anymore, right?"

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