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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Rose pushed her mouth into her knees, preparing for the worst with Kendall's first slip. She knew he was going to be upset, with emotions running high, how could he not be? They all were, with what was happening to Thomas creating even a deeper burn the second time around. At first, she had thought, while stuck in Egypt, that if she hadn't been away and returned home like planned, then maybe this wouldn't be happening, or maybe she could've stopped it, but that wasn't.... she couldn't think like that. Nothing could have stopped these people from doing what they were doing, and coming to that realization had been her anchor for the past two days.

So she was surprised, enough that one of her brows rose up, when Kendall a few beats later apologized. And then, apologized further, to the point where she almost felt uncomfortable. He was opening the door to territory Rose knew they both hadn't fully recovered from, and while she had thought new Rose could handle anything, this might not fall under that category.

She bit her lip, pressing her nose into the crook between her knees as she thought of the best way to respond. Perhaps not doing so at all? Rose quickly decided against that, or at least doing that fully, in fear of forcing Kendall to think she was brushing him off.

"We don't have to talk about this now, Kendall. I'm fine, and there are a lot of other things going on..." Rose trailed off, unsure of what else to add. "It's fine."

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