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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
"His family already said they would," she supplied gently, again, thinking it best to keep this soft tone of hers while speaking to Kendall for the time being. They were both rather emotional at this point, so if she could contain himself a little bit more, lend emotional support to Kendall like she usually did, then she would try very hard to maintain that for him.

Rose did feel caught, however, once he mentioned her time away. She wouldn't apologize for going on a much-needed vacation, getting away from her tumultuous end to her year had been necessary for her sanity. And it had worked, she felt like a new person, someone capable of dealing with situations like this, or, anything for that matter because she wasn't wracked with consuming guilt, or fear, or anger-- but she could understand how, during a time like this, Kendall might see it callous.

Pulling her legs close to her chest, Rose encasing them within the blanket as well before speaking. "Well I'm here now," she said finally, resting her chin on her knees. Her lips pulled together as she watched Kendall out of the corner of her eye.

"And there's still loads of time left," she nodded, thinking preseason didn't start until May, and the real reason starting in June, leaving many days for Kendall and Thomas both to drive her insane over the silliest of things.

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