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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
Kendall moved over just enough to give Rose room to sit. This was the second this happened. What if Thomas didn't come back? Or what if he came back worse of than the time before. No, he couldn't think like that. This would not be their last off season together.

"Assuming someone pays the ransom." He said bitterly laying back to stare at the sky. His eyes drifted down to look at Rose. All super tan from her trip to who knows where with who knows who. Of course she denied being with anyone, but they weren't dumb. Rose might have ignored him all on her own for two months but there was no way she would drop contact with both him and Thomas unless she was with someone. Not that he could really blame her, he took a vacation of his when the Kestrels didn't make it to the post season, but he also didn't stop talking to everyone in Europe.

It was nice at times it just being the boys, but good things happened too. Moments that would have been better if she were around for them. And all of it seemed spoiled and less important. Perhaps if Rose were around, Thomas would have told someone about the broken wand. "I wish you had been here more this off season." Kendall said finally after a few moment of silence.

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