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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Rose frowned, and nodded slightly as she pulled the blanket more tightly around her shoulders. It was silly, but she still hadn't exactly changed into weather-appropriate clothing, being that she didn't have any. There had only been warm weather clothing in her bag, and seeing as she couldn't just go home for something so trivial as that, sundresses and light robes it was.

But, it didn't matter. She would wear blankets for clothing for the rest of the month if it meant being able to be here, back home, during such an important and worrisome time. At least they knew this time, at least it had been confirmed, which didn't make it any better, but... with a ransom, there was the implication of a safe return. Rose would hold onto that. And she thought, maybe, Kendall might need to anchor himself to that thought as well.

"He's going to come back," she supplied gently, her hand reaching out from within its wooly fortress to rest on Kendall's shoulder. "They asked for something in return for them, that means he'll come back safe." Rose nodded solemnly. And they couldn't believe anything else would happen, could they? At least, she wouldn't believe it'd turn out any other way.

Withholding a sigh, Rose then moved to sit next to Kendall on the dock. "Scooch over," she murmured, already pressing herself into the small space, and waiting for Kendall to give up some more.

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