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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-03-19 18:24:00

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Entry tags:rose knightley, rupert brookstanton

Rose woke with a start, jolting up from her slumbering position against Axe's shoulder in a flourish. Blinking slowly, it took her a couple of seconds to collect her barrings, and let sink in where she was and why she was there.

"Did they unfreeze England yet?" she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes with one hand. With the other, she clutched her new journal in her lap tightly, too afraid of missing a potential message from Kendall to let go of it. Or, miss any kind of update for that matter, for once she had gotten her hands on it, it had become quite clear how in the dark she had become over the past two months concerning her homestead and the people she cared about in it. A small, tired frown formed on her face at that thought, and to distract herself, she let her eyes rove over the scene before them.

With all the people that were being denied back into the country, it appeared that the Ministry, or the British Embassy in Egypt, it was unclear, had created something of a free-standing waiting area at the usual portkey drop off/pick up area back to the UK. And, from the looks of it, some witches and wizards had been here for many days, while others only a few hours like her and Axe, and many in between. It was a stroke of luck that no one had seemed to recognize them yet, and if they had, hadn't bothered to do anything about it, which she appreciated.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Rose ran her fingers through her hair and tossed it over her shoulder in an attempt to wake herself up faster. And, look more appealing, because if she had fallen asleep, that must mean it was time for her hourly bribing and berating of the portkey staff. She supposed it seemed silly to wait and demand for something that didn't look like would happen anytime soon, but what else could she do? They strictly weren't letting anyone into the country, which she refused to accept, because she was getting back into England and they were going to find Thomas, so---

"What time is it?" she muttered, turning to face Axe.

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2013-03-22 12:14 am UTC (link)
Feeling a bit startled, he looked at her for a few moments, raising his eyebrow speculatively but not knowing what to say. Oddly, he felt he could not say anything at all, and that would be fine. Vaguely uncomfortable, because he was not used to people acknowleding such actions on his part, and because he was very unsure what to say despite a nagging sensation of being obligated to respond, his gaze slid down to her journal. Doing what felt natural, he slid his hand across her lap to cover one of her hands with his. "I understand," he said simply.

Frankly, he had been surprised she had asked him to actually accompany her, not just for him to also go back to Britain—she was, after all, largely the financier of their glorious vacation. The prospect of travelling alone, to a country allegedly on lockdown, because a friend was being kidnapped and held for ransom was certainly daunting, but Axe thought Rose's reasons went a bit deeper than a sheer need for company. After all, he did not have the best history with the friend in question, and there was a very excellent chance his presence might make things worse. To Axe's immense surprise, he had not balked at the proposition… he had thought very little beyond regret for what might have been in their remaining time together, and how quickly they could assemble their belongings and move.

And not that he was willingly to advertise it all over the place, but being able to help Rose, whether it was in threatening physical violence he was very capable of, or providing her a shoulder to sleep on, felt nice. Waiting a beat, he didn't let go of her hand, but he did speak again. "If you are feeling up to it, I noticed an official whose head seems as if it will make a very nice sound against that rock," Axe pointed lazily in its direction. "Perhaps he would appreciate being told as much."

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2013-03-22 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Her lips perked into a small smile, when they probably shouldn't have, and Rose felt her body ease in the tiniest of ways with his words. She had not required, and therefore not expected, a real response from him, but it was pleasant to experience nonetheless. It made her feel... resound in her decision to not separate from him despite their fantasy vacation being cut short, and comforted? Comforted. By Axe Brookstanton. Should that realization bother her? It didn't, absolutely, just as little as his hands on hers felt.

Rose let out a silent breath, and tilted her head. She thought, for a quiet moment, then deciding it appropriate, leaned over place a light kiss on Axe's cheek. The thought that someone, anyone, even at this hour, could be watching, or even waiting to eternalize such kind of public display just didn't... concern her. She didn't care, though she knew she should, but when your best friend had been kidnapped and you were currently barred from returning to said country of the grabbing, it tended to put things in a perspective. And that perspective was, for once, not giving a rat's ass about busybodies.

"That would be lovely." Never had such a violent suggestion sounded so sweetly appropriate to her ears. Blinking quickly, Rose's faint smile stayed on her lips as she stretched her legs briefly, and rose to her feet.

"Lead the way, Axebanger," she said, finally slipping her hand from his to sweep an open path for him.

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