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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Her lips perked into a small smile, when they probably shouldn't have, and Rose felt her body ease in the tiniest of ways with his words. She had not required, and therefore not expected, a real response from him, but it was pleasant to experience nonetheless. It made her feel... resound in her decision to not separate from him despite their fantasy vacation being cut short, and comforted? Comforted. By Axe Brookstanton. Should that realization bother her? It didn't, absolutely, just as little as his hands on hers felt.

Rose let out a silent breath, and tilted her head. She thought, for a quiet moment, then deciding it appropriate, leaned over place a light kiss on Axe's cheek. The thought that someone, anyone, even at this hour, could be watching, or even waiting to eternalize such kind of public display just didn't... concern her. She didn't care, though she knew she should, but when your best friend had been kidnapped and you were currently barred from returning to said country of the grabbing, it tended to put things in a perspective. And that perspective was, for once, not giving a rat's ass about busybodies.

"That would be lovely." Never had such a violent suggestion sounded so sweetly appropriate to her ears. Blinking quickly, Rose's faint smile stayed on her lips as she stretched her legs briefly, and rose to her feet.

"Lead the way, Axebanger," she said, finally slipping her hand from his to sweep an open path for him.

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