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the lofty "axebanger" brookstanton ([info]incharge) wrote in [info]valesco,
Feeling a bit startled, he looked at her for a few moments, raising his eyebrow speculatively but not knowing what to say. Oddly, he felt he could not say anything at all, and that would be fine. Vaguely uncomfortable, because he was not used to people acknowleding such actions on his part, and because he was very unsure what to say despite a nagging sensation of being obligated to respond, his gaze slid down to her journal. Doing what felt natural, he slid his hand across her lap to cover one of her hands with his. "I understand," he said simply.

Frankly, he had been surprised she had asked him to actually accompany her, not just for him to also go back to Britain—she was, after all, largely the financier of their glorious vacation. The prospect of travelling alone, to a country allegedly on lockdown, because a friend was being kidnapped and held for ransom was certainly daunting, but Axe thought Rose's reasons went a bit deeper than a sheer need for company. After all, he did not have the best history with the friend in question, and there was a very excellent chance his presence might make things worse. To Axe's immense surprise, he had not balked at the proposition… he had thought very little beyond regret for what might have been in their remaining time together, and how quickly they could assemble their belongings and move.

And not that he was willingly to advertise it all over the place, but being able to help Rose, whether it was in threatening physical violence he was very capable of, or providing her a shoulder to sleep on, felt nice. Waiting a beat, he didn't let go of her hand, but he did speak again. "If you are feeling up to it, I noticed an official whose head seems as if it will make a very nice sound against that rock," Axe pointed lazily in its direction. "Perhaps he would appreciate being told as much."

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