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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Her frowned deepened at the recognition of the time, and, still blinking hazily, Rose looked down at the journal in her hands, briefly, before shutting it. She thought next that she would state her new plan of attack, which included various forms of quidditch tickets, once again pulling the 'I am a very famous person' card, and restating her logic concerning not having technically set foor on English soil since England, when she realized something. In the flurry of the past couple of hours, she hadn't exactly... well, her thoughts had become entirely consumed with Thomas, and hadn't much thought about...

"Axe," Rose started, turning to face him properly. It was no secret that he and Thomas weren't exactly friends (or, more accurately, that Thomas hated him and Axe simply generally ignored her friend's existence ), so she could understand any tiredness he might have over being stuck here, in a hellish limbo, dealing with, whenever they decided to pop up, her practically hysterical fits concerning Thomas, how certain people were stopping her from returning to him, and whatever else randomly seized her. So she appreciated it, she appreciated his effort and patience over a situation that was obvious he would not have to be currently enduring if he wasn't with her. And she hadn't even acknowledged that yet, despite during one of her bribery rounds promising a portkey official tickets to France's next international appearance tournament matches.

"I know this isn't--" Rose started, but shook her head. She didn't like how that sounded. "I just--" she began again, but with her tiredness, quickly lost all patience to beat around the bush.

"Thank you. For coming, and staying, with me," she nodded, clutching her journal tightly. "It means a lot." She most certainly did not want him to think that his efforts had gone unnoticed, and honestly, she wasn't really sure she'd be collected as she was now without him here. Wasn't that a strange occurrence.

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